
simple blog

Primary LanguageGo

Blog project



We use chromedriver for acceptance (Cucumber (godog)) tests: $ brew install chromedriver

We store data with PostgreSQL 11 RDBMS. For local development we recommend to install PostgreSQL on MacOS with Postgres.app installer: https://postgresapp.com

TODO: Using with Docker



$ go run targets/web/main.go help

	Name: Help (of type: 'Command')

		Description: Presents help information.

		Key:        help

	Name: Web server port (of type: 'Integer')

		Description: The port which web server listens to, like: 3000.

		ENV Var:    PORT
		Flag:       -port
		Key:        port

	Name: DB Host name (of type: 'String')

		Description: Database connection host name, like: 'localhost'.

		ENV Var:    DBHOST
		Flag:       -dbhost
		Key:        dbhost

	Name: DB port (of type: 'Integer')

		Description: Database connection port, like: 5432.

		ENV Var:    DBPORT
		Flag:       -dbport
		Key:        dbport

	Name: DB User (of type: 'String')

		Description: Database connection user name, like: 'postgres'.

		ENV Var:    DBUSER
		Flag:       -dbuser
		Key:        dbuser

	Name: DB Password (of type: 'String')

		Description: Database connection password.

		ENV Var:    DBPWD
		Flag:       -dbpwd
		Key:        dbpwd

	Name: Database name (of type: 'String')

		Description: Database name, like: 'stoa_blogging_development'.

		ENV Var:    DBNAME
		Flag:       -dbname
		Key:        dbname

How to create DB and schema?

To create DB you need to clone: https://github.com/stoa-bd/blogging-schema and then run in its directory:

$ ./bin/createdb.sh <DB-PREFIX, like: production, development, test-acceptance>

How to seed DB?

To create DB you need to clone: https://github.com/stoa-bd/blogging-schema and then run in its directory:

$ ./bin/seed.sh <DB-PREFIX, like: production, development, test-acceptance>

How to run web-server?

./bin/run.sh <DB-PREFIX, like: production, development, test-acceptance>

It uses :3000 port.

How to build?


How to run acceptance tests?

We use godog (Cucumber for Golang) and Agouti for acceptance tests via GUI.

You can run tests with:

$ ./bin/test-acceptance.sh

HTML framework

Use ID for unique elements on the page. Use class for not unique elements on the page. Use bhv- prefix for setting event handlers and in-browser acceptance-tests. Use bhv-<entity/datapoint-name> to define the entity/datapoint representing context. Use bhv-<entity/datapoint-name>__<attribute/nested-element name> to present attributes and nested content.


<article id="bhv-publication">
  <h1 id="bhv-publication__title">Title</h1>
	<div id="bhv-publication__content">
    Some content.

Use ns- prefix for namespacing.


<div id="main">
  <div id="ns-recent" class="micro-list">
    <h3>Recent Publications</h3>
    {{range .RecentPublications}}
      {{template "publication--li" .}}
  <div id="ns-top" class="micro-list">
    <h3>Popular Publications</h3>
    {{range .PopularPublications}}
      {{template "publication--li" .}}