
A modern web video player.

Primary LanguageVue


An alternative web app to the awesome video player IINA (Obviously IINA is much more powerful)

As it's using HTML5 video tag, it only supports these formats: MP4, Ogg, WebM.

You can visit https://anii.surge.sh for an offline version.


You can replace yarn with npm run here.

# build for production
yarn build

# development mode
yarn dev

# serve the bundled dist folder in production mode
yarn serve


By default we only polyfill window.Promise and Object.assign. You can add more polyfills in ./src/polyfills.js.

Code splitting

As webpack supports both dynamic import and require.ensure syntax, we would recommend you to stick to require.ensure for now because of performance issue.

Analyze bundle size

Run yarn report to get a report of bundle size which helps you:

  • Realize what's really inside your bundle
  • Find out what modules make up the most of it's size
  • Find modules that got there by mistake
  • Optimize it!

Progress Web App

Your app is now offline-ready (only in production bundle), which means you can visit it without network.

Here we use a default manifest.json to configurure your pwa, for example, to enable [Add to Home Screen] feature on Android. It will be copied directly to ./dist/manifest.json.

For all the available options, please head to poi-preset-offline.

This project is generated from template-vue.