
Get the install size of an npm package.

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Get the install size of an npm package.

What is Install Size?

The "install size" is the size your hard drive will report after running npm install. This includes the package you installed, all of the dependencies, and its dependency's dependencies...and so on. —— Quoted from Package Phobia, an online alternative to this package.



npm i -g npm-size


npm-size [...package names]

# Examples
npm-size webpack rollup
# Local package
npm-size ./my-package

# Exit with error when the size exceeds 5MB
npm-size ./ --limit 5mb

# Print sizes for the dependencies listed in a package.json
npm-size ./package.json ./packages/foo/package.json

# Print sizes for the dependencies of a package
npm-size chalk/package.json


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  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


npm-size © EGOIST, Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by EGOIST with help from contributors (list).

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