A dimensionality reduction framework for characterizing the multi-dimensional, concurrent flow of signals across multiple neuronal populations

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

mDLAG (multi-population DLAG)

This repository accompanies the following paper:

  • Gokcen, E., Jasper, A. I., Xu, A., Kohn, A., Machens, C. K., & Yu, B. M. Uncovering motifs of concurrent signaling across multiple neuronal populations. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36 (2023).

Please read it carefully before using the code, as it describes all of the terminology and usage modes. Please cite the above reference if using any portion of this code for your own purposes.

This codepack includes an implementation of the primary contribution of the paper, mDLAG. It also includes a custom implementation of group factor analysis (GFA), and—to keep the codepack self-contained—a minimal implementation of DLAG, full repository here.

The codepack directory structure is as follows:

  • DLAG
    • Minimal implementation of DLAG
  • gfa
    • Implementation of GFA. gfa/demo/demo_gfa.m is a script that provides a generic demonstration of GFA.
  • mDLAG
    • Implementation of mDLAG. mDLAG/demo/demo_mdlag.m is a script that provides a generic demonstration of mDLAG.
  • sim1
    • Includes the data, results, and code to reproduce "Simulation 1: Uncovering directed interactions across multiple populations" (Section 3, Fig. 3)
  • sim2
    • Includes the data, results, and code to reproduce "Simulation 2: Disentangling concurrent, bidirectional signaling" (Section 3, Fig. 4)
  • V1V2array
    • Includes part of the data, results, and code to reproduce Supplementary Figs. S1 & S2a. Full data is available here.
  • V1V2V3npx
    • Includes part of the data, results, and code to reproduce Fig. 5 and Supplementary Figs. S2bc, S3, S4, and S5. Full data cannot be made available at this time.


For questions, please contact Evren Gokcen at egokcen@cmu.edu.

System requirements

This codepack was written in Matlab (The MathWorks, Inc.), and must be run in Matlab.

It has been tested on Matlab 2019a, 2019b, 2020a, 2022b, and 2023a, on Linux (Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 7.9) and Windows (Windows 10) operating systems.

Note that all runtimes provided below are estimates based on these tests. Your runtimes may vary.

Some functions rely on the C/MEX Matlab interface for speedup, whereby C code can be compiled and used from within Matlab. A native C compiler is necessary to take advantage of this functionality. Windows users may require extra installation of, for example, Microsoft Visual C++ or MinGW. The code is written to default to a native Matlab code implementation if mex files cannot be properly executed, and will still work correctly.

Installation guide

Simply download and extract the latest release of this codepack to your desired local directory.

Install Matlab. For one script, sim1/crossval_noARD_sim1.m, you may need to specifically install the Matlab Bioinformatics Toolbox, if it's not already installed in your Matlab build.

C/MEX Compilation:

  1. Enter DLAG directory. Run startup.m.
  2. Enter mDLAG directory. Run startup.m.

Assuming Matlab is already installed on your machine, setup should not take more than a few minutes.

Instructions for use

GFA Generic Demo

  1. Enter gfa directory.
  2. Run startup.m to add all necessary dependencies to the Matlab path.
  3. Open gfa/demo/demo_gfa.m (remain in gfa directory).
  4. Run demo_gfa.m cell-by-cell. The script contains directions and descriptions of relevant user-defined parameters.

With the current data and settings, demo_gfa.m should take less than 1 min to run.

mDLAG Generic Demo

  1. Enter mDLAG directory.
  2. Run startup.m to add all necessary dependencies to the Matlab path.
  3. Open mDLAG/demo/demo_mdlag.m (remain in mDLAG directory).
  4. Run demo_mdlag.m cell-by-cell. The script contains directions and descriptions of relevant user-defined parameters.

With the current data and settings, demo_mdlag.m should take less than 10 min to run.

Simulation 1: Uncovering directed interactions across multiple populations

  1. Enter sim1 directory.
  2. Run startup.m to set up common directories and other constants.
  3. mDLAG experiments (with ARD)
    1. To see pre-saved results, open results_summary_mdlag_sim1.m and run it cell-by-cell.
    2. To fit mDLAG from scratch, run fit_mdlag_sim1.m. The script should take ~45 min to run.
  4. mDLAG experiments (no ARD)
    1. To see pre-saved results, open result_summary_noARD_sim1.m and run it cell-by-cell.
    2. To perform the mDLAG (no ARD) experiments from scratch:
      1. To use cross-validation to find the total latent dimensionality, run crossval_noARD_sim1.m. The script should take ~75 min to run without parallelization.
      2. To fit the model with the correct number of latent dimensions, run fit_noARD_sim1.m. The script should take ~2 hours to run.

Simulation 2: Disentangling concurrent, bidirectional signaling

  1. Enter sim2 directory.
  2. Run startup.m to set up common directories and other constants.
  3. mDLAG experiments
    1. To see pre-saved results, open results_summary_mdlag_sim2.m and run it cell-by-cell.
    2. To fit mDLAG from scratch, run fit_mdlag_sim2.m. The script should take less than 5 min to run.
  4. GFA experiments
    1. To see pre-saved results, open results_summary_gfa_sim2.m and run it cell-by-cell.
    2. To fit GFA from scratch, run fit_gfa_sim2.m. The script should take less than 1 min to run.

Validating mDLAG on recordings from V1 and V2

  1. Enter V1V2array directory.
  2. Run startup.m to set up common directories and other constants.
  3. mDLAG experiments
    1. To see pre-saved results, open ./mdlag/mdlag_exampledataset_v1v2array.m (remain in V1V2array directory) and run it cell-by-cell.
    2. To fit mDLAG from scratch, run ./mdlag/fit_mdlag_v1v2array.m (remain in V1V2array directory). The script should take ~16 hours to run.
  4. DLAG experiments
    1. To see pre-saved results, open ./dlag/dlag_exampledataset_v1v2array.m (remain in V1V2array directory) and run it cell-by-cell.
    2. To fit DLAG from scratch (here we're providing the optimal dimensionalities, selected through cross-validation), run ./dlag/fit_dlag_v1v2array.m (remain in V1V2array directory). The script should take ~5 hours to run.
  5. mDLAG vs DLAG performance comparison: Run ./mdlag_vs_dlag_v1v2array.m to produce Supplementary Fig. S2a.

Interactions across laminar compartments of V1, V2, and V3d

  1. Enter V1V2V3npx directory.
  2. Run startup.m to set up common directories and other constants.
  3. Open mdlag_exampledataset_npx.m. Run it cell-by-cell to see mDLAG results on the example Neuropixels dataset (Fig. 5).
  4. Run performance_summary.m to compare performance of mDLAG to alternative methods (Supplementary Fig. S2bc).
  5. Run data_efficiency_summary.m to show mDLAG test performance as a function of the number of available training trials (Supplementary Fig. S3).
  6. Run runtime_summary.m to show runtimes of mDLAG and GFA (Supplementary Fig. S4).
  7. Run init_sensitivity_summary.m to show sensitivity of mDLAG Neuropixels results to random initialization (Supplementary Fig. S5).