
An example of using the stencil buffer to select specific pixels for processing in post processing effects in Unity.

Primary LanguageGLSLThe UnlicenseUnlicense


An example of using the stencil buffer to select specific pixels for processing in post processing effects in Unity.

Two pass image effect using stencil buffer

This projects provides an example of how to discard pixels in a post processing effect using the stencil buffer.

In this example, the following steps are taken in the OnRenderImage event.

Pass #1: Write 0 to the stencil buffer
Pass #2: Write 1 to the stencil buffer if the roughness form the GBuffer is below a certain threashold
Pass #3: Apply an image effect where stencil buffer values are 0
Pass #4: Apply another image effect where stencil buffer values are 1

Thus, in this example, there are two image effetcs (each as a pass) in the shader

fixed4 FragmentMix1(Varyings input) : SV_Target
    return lerp(tex2D(_MainTex, input.uv), fixed4(input.uv, .5, 1.), .5);


fixed4 FragmentMix2(Varyings input) : SV_Target
	return lerp(tex2D(_MainTex, input.uv), 1. - fixed4(input.uv, .5, 1.), .5);

FragmentMix1 is applied when the roughness stored in the GBuffer is below a given threshold, and FragmentMix2 is applied otherwise.