=== WP-GNU social === Contributors: nat23, deugarte, Rodma, mayra-rodriguez, carolitar, voylinux, elektrolupo Tags: GNU social, federated web, conversations, social web, statusnet, comments, commenting Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 4.2.1 Stable tag: 0.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU social based comment system for WordPress == Description == [GNU social](https://gnu.io/social/) based comment system. After installing and configurating the plugin, evey new post will start a new conversation in your GNU social node. The conversation will be displayed and locally saved as usual wordpress comments in your blog. Everybody with an user in a node with someone subscribed to your GNU social user (i.e. your node) can comment your post directly from its own GNU social node. == Installation == You can either use the built in WordPress installer or install the plugin manually. For an automated installation: 1. Go to 'Plugins -> Add New' on your WordPress Admin page. 2. Search for the 'WP-GNU social' plugin. 3. Install by clicking the 'Install Now' button. 4. Activate the plugin on the 'Plugins' page in your WordPress Admin. For a manual installation: 1. Upload 'wp-gnusocial' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory of your WordPress installation. 2. Activate the plugin on the 'Plugins' page in your WordPress Admin. = Getting started = 1. After installing and activating the plugin, be sure to visit the plugin's settings page at 'Settings -> WP-GNU social' on your WordPress Admin page. 2. Simply add the API url of your GNU social node, your username and password. 3. Publish a new post to get started. = What's GNU social? = GNU social is a free social distributed networking platform. It helps people in a community, company or group to exchange short status updates, do polls, announce events, or other social activities. More about it on https://gnu.io/social/ = This plugin speaks your language = * Esperanto * Spanish * English * German -- contributed by [Frosch](http://blog.atari-frosch.de/) Your language isn't listed? Then feel free to and help make this plugin more accessible! = Credits = * Plugin's logo: [Moshpirit](https://quitter.es/moshpirit) == Screenshots == 1. Configuration page 2. Comments in GNU social 3. Comments in your blog == Changelog == = 0.3 = * Optimizar la configuración del plugin. Pedir solamente el identificador de GNU social y la contraseña = 0.2 = * Los comentarios muestran el nombre elegido por el usuario y no el nickname * Url en el primer comentario usando post_name * Control a la hora de actulizar el listado de comentarios asociados a un post para evitar comentarios repetidos * Reimplementación de la gestión de avatares * Uso de WordPress HTTP class para no depender de curl * Añadida notificación trás la activación del plugin para informar y enlazar a su configuración = 0.1 = * Just getting started...