
Tools (bash scripts) to decompile Renault R-Link Java Apps

  • decompile.sh Needs an unpacked android filesystem. Downloads required software (needs wget, java, unzip, other stuff ...) and tries to decompile the java Apps into the current directory.

  • download_firmware.sh Downloads the firmware version specified in the argument and unpacks it.

  • toolchain This directory contains the toolchain for compiling uboot and kernel. It requires an anjient compiler (gcc-4.3), so best is to install an old linux distro (e.g. debian lenny) to a vm without network for security reasons. It supports only old ARM11 targets and needs an update for our shiny new OMAP3. Compilation requires (dos2unix, flex, bison, texinfo, gmp, mpfr, javac, maybe other stuff not listed here).

  • repack-zImage.sh Script to "unpack" a zImage (kernel, ramdisk, stuff).