
A server for the Reci-P app. Uses Google cloud SQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A server for the Reci-P app. Uses Google cloud SQL

Setting up the system

For local development, clone the repository and create a src/db/config.json file. In this file, put:

  "GCLOUD_PROJECT": "your-project-name",
  "DATA_BACKEND": "cloudsql",
  "MYSQL_USER": "your-sql-user",
  "MYSQL_PASSWORD": "your-sql-password",
  "INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME": "your-connection-name"
  • To run the server use either npm run start or yarn start.
  • To build the server for deployment run npm run build or yarn build
    • This will give you access to the deploy script which you can use to deploy the app on GAE with npm run deploy or yarn deploy