Blackboard server

Server for online board for working with clients. In current version communication between them is carried out using JSON format. Message is consists of three parts:

  • Size of header in 8 bytes as uint64_t
  • Header in JSON format:
  int: client_id,
  string: method,
  int: argument_size,
  • Arguments in JSON format, the number and type of which depends on the method.

API description

Server API includes next methods with corresponding arguments:

  • s_add_layer
  int layer_id,
  double[2]: position,
  double: scale,
  string: layer_type,
  object: layer_data
  • s_clear_board
    No arguments
  • s_delete_layer
  int: layer_id
  • s_undo
    No arguments

Client API includes next methods with corresponding arguments:

  • c_init_client
  int: client_id,
  • c_finish_board_init
    No arguments
  • c_add_layer
  int layer_id,
  double[2]: position,
  double: scale,
  string: layer_type,
  object: layer_data
  • c_confirm_add_layer
  int: layer_id
  • c_clear_board
    No arguments
  • c_delete_layer
  int: layer_id

Server-client communication schemes


When new client is connected, server calls c_init_client() to give new cliet it's id and confirm successful connection. After that each layer on board must be added on client's canvas. At the end of inicialization client notified about completing all init operations with call c_finish_board_init(). Connecting new client scheme

Creating layer

When client creates new layer it calls s_add_layer() following which server calls c_add_layer() for all other clients except layer's creator and confirms successful adding with calling c_confirm_add_layer() for creator. Confirm is necessary to give layer's creator new layer's unique id, that could be generated just on server. Adding new layer scheme

Deleting layer

When client deletes one of layers it calls s_delete_layer() with layer's id following which server calls c_delete_layer() for all other clients except layer's deleter.

Canceling last action

When client calls s_undo() to cancel it's last action server defines the type of last operation made by this client and calls corresponding methods for all clients (including caller). For example if last operation was adding layer then for all clients would be called c_delete_layer().

Clearing board

When client calls s_clear_board(), server clears it's canvas and calls the similar method c_clear_board() for all other clients except caller.