- AlekSi@FerretDB
- AlexeyKupershtokhNovosibirsk, Russia
- arden深圳市土椒科技有限公司
- arunoda@GDi4K
- chusi@zebbra
- danlangfordThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- devilankur18Sugarcane AI
- dhruvbird
- egorFiNE
- Fantusecocode GmbH
- fredrick@trello + @atlassian
- github101github101
- hamtiePortland Oregon
- hihl
- hmert@monopayments
- IncisiveDataminr
- indexzeroCandy
- jasonzheng
- jayyvis
- jgchristopherArbol
- kerimdzhanovDublin, Ireland
- lennartkoopmann@nzymedefense
- mnuttMovable Ink
- ncintra
- node-migrator-botnodejitsu
- pablasso@DispatchHealth
- phambanhan
- pilsy
- PoltergeistHamburg
- sansmischeviaWebflow
- smith@elastic
- spindiLondon, UK
- wergOsnabrück, Germany
- zfsamzfsamBeiJing
- zhhb