
Web-scrapper collecting data for salaries and cities

Primary LanguagePython

hh.ru job market web-scraper


This is a Python Streamlit app that allows you to retrieve and visualize salary data from hh.ru, a popular job portal in Russia, and analyze the current job market for any given job. The app presents graphical representations of the max, min, and average salary for a specific job, grouped by regions across Russia.

This app provides up-to-date information about the job market, which can be beneficial for job seekers and employers alike. The data presented through the app can help job seekers to better understand salary levels in regions, and in the country overall and make decisions about their careers.


  • Retrieval of salary data from hh.ru based on user input of a job name
  • Visualization of salary data using Plotly
  • Selection of max, min, or average salaries to be displayed


  • Clone this Git repository: git clone https://github.com/egorcherkasoff/hh-salary-graph

  • Install the required Python packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Run the app: streamlit run main.py


  1. Enter the name of a job you want to get salary data for in the text box provided.

  2. Select whether you want to see the maximum, minimum, or average salaries for the job. (Average by default)

  3. View the graphical representation of the salary data below filled field.


If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please create an issue or pull request in this repository.