AES Encryption: Secure Message Utility 🔒

License: MIT

A lightweight and elegant utility for encrypting and decrypting messages using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. This tool is designed to work entirely on the front-end, ensuring that your data remains secure and private without being sent to any servers.

Try it Out: AES Encryption Utility

🌟 Features

  • Simple and user-friendly interface
  • AES encryption and decryption
  • Works entirely on the front-end
  • No data sent to the server
  • Secure and private communication

🚀 Getting Started

To use the AES Encryption Utility, simply visit the Try it Out and start encrypting and decrypting your messages!

📖 Usage

  1. Enter your message in the input field
  2. Enter a secure passphrase
  3. Choose to either encrypt or decrypt the message
  4. The encrypted or decrypted message will be displayed in the output field

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.