eGov SmartCity eGovernance suite of products aim to improve the internal efficiency, transparency, accountability and the service delivery of Municipal Governments. The solution is freely available under the license terms as mentioned below.
- abhi12raviKing's College, London | Ex- SAP Labs
- bendotto
- bsdreddy-zz
- Caltalys
- egov-systemseGovernments Foundation
- girish778
- gowthamhubchennai
- hari-sreeThoughtWorks
- Iffath-eGov
- jaishreereddyMindTree
- jamesding
- jhcloos
- joelthompson
- katararishi-eGov
- malathimunesh
- ManasaNiranjan-eGov
- manikanta-pt
- nayeemtpBangalore
- pandeyamit81
- parvatihiremath
- pradeepkumarcm-egov
- ramakrishnaippili-eGoveGovernments Foundation
- ranjitmindteck
- ricardomendesjrCuritiba
- rkphilip45NIC-OTG
- roopabagi
- sathishp-eGovBangalore
- satyamashishBangalore
- soumyaghosh13Chenoa Information Services
- srivastava-manuArghyam
- subhash-eGov
- sukesh15@testvagrant
- suuhasBluejeans Networks
- vaibhavegov
- vasanth-egov
- venki-baratamBangalore