- 5
Auto Demand Rewrite Conditions
#387 opened by saulshanabrook - 10
Variable cost to variant
#399 opened by AzizZayed - 4
Mutually recursive datatypes
#397 opened by yihozhang - 2
Pair / Tuple built-in type?
#393 opened by AzizZayed - 2
Disallow unused variables
#408 opened by oflatt - 1
- 1
Multi-Pattern Example
#423 opened by jafioti - 3
- 2
Rust Usage Example?
#416 opened by jafioti - 0
Removing :default keyword
#421 opened by yihozhang - 1
Disallowing looking up non-constructor functions
#420 opened by yihozhang - 9
Extracted Declarations are Temporary Variables
#334 opened by saulshanabrook - 0
Remove Inlined d3-graphviz library
#373 opened by saulshanabrook - 1
Destructive rewriting in egglog ?
#411 opened by remi-delmas-3000 - 1
- 0
Add underscore as matching anything?
#409 opened by oflatt - 6
Extract not working within a `rule`
#403 opened by AzizZayed - 7
- 1
API-supported way for translating between `Value`s in an `egglog::EGraph` and `ClassID`s in an `egraph_serialize::EGraph`
#392 opened by gussmith23 - 5
User Defined Generics
#386 opened by saulshanabrook - 1
Rewrite regardless of variant
#401 opened by AzizZayed - 3
Potential bug in dot file output
#377 opened by hessammehr - 4
- 1
[Utility] Running multiple rulesets at once
#326 opened by oflatt - 1
Add pretty printing of results
#351 opened by mwillsey - 3
Fix Nullary Unstable Functions
#382 opened by saulshanabrook - 1
Maintain expression dependencies
#390 opened by AzizZayed - 3
No matching primitive: set-length
#378 opened by cgyurgyik - 0
Display bound variables in serialized e-graph
#376 opened by saulshanabrook - 0
Error when using `vec-of` in rule is not readable
#370 opened by gussmith23 - 2
- 0
Document `EGraph::function_to_dag`
#367 opened by gussmith23 - 1
Web demo should show logs
#358 opened by oflatt - 0
- 5
error [E0659] when `make all`
#335 opened by cyk2018 - 1
Neovim plugin
#354 opened by segeljakt - 1
How to query for relations
#352 opened by rix0rrr - 6
"subsume" doesn't fail but also doesn't work
#357 opened by rix0rrr - 3
Support for macros to reduce code duplication
#356 opened by segeljakt - 1
Desugaring global variables
#331 opened by oflatt - 3
Inefficient desugaring for `rewrite`
#350 opened by ezrosent - 9
No warning on checking unintroduced variables
#346 opened by adrianleh - 1
- 1
Terms file is not included
#341 opened by saulshanabrook - 0
Extract to string, and panic using it
#340 opened by oflatt - 0
- 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
Tests for typechecker
#327 opened by oflatt