
Add HTTPS support with Let's Encrypt Certificate

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Looks like the time has come

That's coincidence :)
I tried a setup with nginx-proxy and
I'm getting things working and I can connect over my public domain, but I get following error while configuring the postgres db:

Could not connect to PostgreSQL server.
the connection attempt failed. (after 10 attempt(s); total time spent waiting 477.416 ms; driver version 42.1; java.version=1.8.0_131; jdk.tls.client.protocols=[]; jdk.certpath.disabledalgorithms=[md2, md5, rsa keysize < 1024, dsa keysize < 1024, ec keysize < 224]; jdk.tls.disabledalgorithms=[sslv3, rc4, md5withrsa, dh keysize < 768, ec keysize < 224])
SQL exception: The connection attempt failed. (after 10 attempt(s); total time spent waiting 477.416 ms; driver version 42.1; java.version=1.8.0_131; jdk.tls.client.protocols=[]; jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=[MD2, MD5, RSA keySize < 1024, DSA keySize < 1024, EC keySize < 224]; jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=[SSLv3, RC4, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 768, EC keySize < 224])

Oops, sorry disregard my last mail, it works great. I forget to specify a virtual network for the postgress service in the docker-compose file.
Happy to share the adapted docker-compose.yml with you.

version: '2'

  postgres_data: {}
  postgres_backup: {}
  teamcity_server_data: {}
  teamcity_server_logs: {}

    build: ./postgres
      - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - postgres_backup:/backups
    env_file: .env
    restart: always
      - reverse-proxy
    build: ./server
      - teamcity_server_data:/data/teamcity_server/datadir
      - teamcity_server_logs:/opt/teamcity/logs
      - reverse-proxy
     - "8111"

      - postgres
    env_file: .env
    restart: always

    image: jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent
    env_file: .env
    restart: always
      name: reverse-proxy

@paulvanbladel Thank you for your help. Looks like nginx-proxy is the most right way to do this.
Unfortunately I haven't free time right now. I'll try to add HTTPs support and update readme soon. However, if you are interested and you have time, you could make PR ;)

Just wondering, is this setup not assuming now that on your docker host, ONLY teamcity will run together with the reverse-proxy (and the cool automatic cert renew service) ?

So, the point is that the nginx-proxy and lets-encrypt monitor in a way docker containers that are added on that machine. So, my feeling is that these 2 guys should be started in a separate docker-compose in such a way when you do a docker-compose down of teamcity not all other services are impacted because the nginx stuff is down. See what I mean?

I might have some time later this week and play with it and report back.
Thanks a lot already for the great work.

@paulvanbladel Yep, you're right.
This configuration assume only TC App for proxying.

If I got your message correct, you're talking about using nginx proxy for few App's on the same host, not only TC. Probably it makes sense. But ussualy, in my cases, I need just one CI server on just one instance.

I might have some time later this week and play with it and report back.

Nice idea!

If you may propose more universal solution, I'll be glad to discuss it.

Not it is not relevant. Moving to traefik: #21