
memo of work flow such as commands and process


Command Line

  • copy a file copy source dest

Git Command Flow

  • create a git repository git init
    add the created files to repository
    git add hoge.c
    commit and write commit message
    git commit -m "create the first program"
    confirm a commit log
    git log -p
    update local repository
    git pull origin master add a new repository(user: egret678, repository name: 9cc) as a remote repository
    git remote add origin https://github.com/egret678/9cc.git
    push the local repository to remote repository in GitHub
    git push -u origin master
    rename a file
    git mv hoge.c hoge_renamed.c
    remove a file
    git rm hoge.c
    delete git added history of all files
    git rm --cached -r .
    git reset --mixed HEAD
    return last commit to index
    git reset --soft HEAD^

Docker Command

confirm docker version
docker version create a docker image named compilerbook
docker build -t compilerbook https://www.sigbus.info/compilerbook/Dockerfile
use compilerbook image on interacitive mode
docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/C++/compiler/9cc:/9cc compilerbook
display all suspended images
docker container ls -a