// termcolor // a library for printing colored messages by Ihor Kalnytskyi ~ What is termcolor? Termcolor is a header-only C++ library for printing colored messages to the terminal. Written just for fun with a help of the Force. And yeah, it's BSD licensed so you are free to do whatever you want as long as copyright sticks around! ~ How to use? Add `termcolor.hpp` to the project and use provided stream manimulators from the `termcolor` namespace. For example: std::cout << termcolor::red << termcolor::on_blue << "Red text on blue background!" << termcolor::reset << std::endl; Please, don't forgot to reset termcolor's settings on the stream! ~ What terminals are supported? Termcolor supports ANSI color formatting. This formatting is supported by most popular terminals on Linux, Unix and Mac OS. On Windows, WinAPI is used instead, however, some limitations are applied. Check the docs for details! ~ Where the docs? https://termcolor.readthedocs.io/