
The source code of my webplatformdaily.org site

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What's coming next for this daily?

Next I'm implementing some sort of search functionality. So, you enter a term like "WebGL" and the entire database is filtered by that term.

Is there an RSS feed?

Nope. It'll come eventually.

When are new dailies released?

Weekdays in the early morning hours (European time).

Where is the data stored?

In Markdown files, which makes it open source. You're free to use the data anyhow you like.

What goes into creating a daily?

I gather the content from Twitter, i.e. from the tweets of the ~130 people I follow on Twitter. Usually, I select around 40-50 tweets (potential entries). Then, based on those tweets I create around 20-30 entries for the daily.

What topics are covered?

  • Open Web Platform (including the open standards that comprise it)
  • JavaScript (the core language and libraries written in it)
  • web-browsers (including their development tools)
  • front-end web-development in general
  • open source to some degree (e.g. GitHub related content)
  • openness (open data)
  • privacy

How do you decide what goes into a daily?

The general rule is that the content should be recent (say, less than 2 weeks old) and relevant for the majority of visitors.

May I suggest content?

Sure. Just mention @simevidas on Twitter.