
Ring middleware for Content Security Policy

Primary LanguageClojureApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Ring middleware for Content Security Policy

CircleCI cljdoc badge Clojars Project License


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

Clojars Project


(require '[ring-middleware-csp.core :refer [wrap-csp]]
         '[ring.util.response :refer [response]])

(defn handler [request]
  (response {:foo "bar"}))

(def policy {:default-src :none
             :script-src [:self :nonce]
             :style-src ["https://example.com" :unsafe-inline]
             :report-uri "/csp-report"})

(def app
  (-> handler
      (wrap-csp {:policy policy})

Then, Content-Security-Policy header is added to http response.

Use nonce

wrap-csp middleware inject :csp-nonce to request map. You can use nonce like following.

(defn handler [{:keys [csp-nonce] :as req}]
  {:status 200
   :headers {}
   :body (str "<script nonce=\"" csp-nonce "\">alert('foo');</script>")})

If you want to disable injection, set :use-nonce? option to false.

Get header value from policy map

You can use compose function.

(ring-middleware-csp.core/compose {:default-src :none
                                   :style-src ["https://example.com" :unsafe-inline]
                                   :report-uri "/csp-report"})
=> "default-src 'none';style-src https://example.com 'unsafe-inline';report-uri /csp-report"

; with nonce
(ring-middleware-csp.core/compose {:default-src :none
                                   :style-src [:nonce :unsafe-inline]}

=> "default-src 'none';style-src 'nonce-abcdefg' 'unsafe-inline'"



Specify Content-Security-Policy value. The key of map is the directive name, the value of map is the directive value. Values are keyword, string or collection of them.


{:policy {:default-src :none
          :script-src [:self :nonce]
          :style-src ["https://example.com" :unsafe-inline]
          :report-uri "/csp-report"}}


If :report-only? is set to true, use "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only" as header name.


By setting a function in :policy-generator, you can set a dynamic policy according to the request. The argument of the function is ring request map, the return value of it is policy map (same style as :policy). If the function returns nil, use default policy.

:report-handler and :report-uri

By using :report-handler, you can handle report request. :report-uri is the path to use report-handler. :report-handler is ring-style report handler (you must return valid response map). If use :report-handler or :report-uri, must set both :report-handler and :report-uri.

WARN: :report-uri option and :report-uri directive in :policy is independent config. Even if you set :report-uri option, the report-uri directive is NOT added automatically.


{:policy {:default-src :self
          :report-uri "/csp-report"}
 :report-uri "/csp-report"
 :report-handler (fn [req]
                   (response {:foo "bar"}))}


The default value is ture. If you set to false, disable to generate nonce.


By using :nonce-generator, you can use costom nonce generator. Default generator use SecureRandom (using "NativePRNGNonBlocking" algorithm) and java.util.Base64. It generate base64 string from 256bit random data.


{:policy {:default-src :self
          :script-src [:self :nonce]}
 :nonce-generator (fn []
                    "STATIC-NONCE")} ; DON'T use static nonce for security reason


lein test


Use cljstyle.

cljstyle fix


Copyright 2020 TOYOKUMO,Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.