
SUBtitles LEvel C. A python script for comfortable translating only SOME words in English subtitles.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Sublesee: SUbtitles LEvel C

Sublesee is a quite straightforward tool for a particular subtitles translation. It helps you to translate only some words and sentences in a srt-file.

Real-life usage example: you're studying English and advanced to B2/C1. Thus, you already know a lot of words, so watching with non-English subtitles doesn't help much. But while you're watching with English subtitles, sometimes you bump into the words you can't understand. But you don't pause the video and don't translate, because you're watching your favorite TV-show with your girlfriend. Or just cause you're lazy. Sublesee wants to help you to achieve this.


pip install git+https://github.com/egslava/sublesee.git#subdirectory=soft

Usage — a bird's eye view

  1. Convert srt to xlsx and open in spreadsheets:
sublesee srt2xlsx path-to.srt
  1. Modify "output" column

  2. Convert xlsx into a new srt-file

sublesee xlsx2srt path-to.xlsx

The full cycle