
Benchmarking different options for a faster invariant mass computation.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

A performance study on a more CPU-friendly invariant mass calculation

Compiling the benchmark

The only requirement is google/benchmark. Assuming the compiler knows where to find its headers and libraries, this should work:

$ g++ -O3 -march=native -o bench bench.cpp -lbenchmark
$ ./bench

On Arch Linux, Google benchmark can be installed with pacman -Syu benchmark.

If you don't want to install Google benchmark yourself, the CMake build will do it for you.

With CMake

The CMake build downloads and builds Google benchmark on the fly if it doesn't find it in the system.

$ mkdir build
$ cmake -S . -B build
$ cmake --build build
$ ./build/bench


We want to calculate the following as efficiently as possible:

void InvariantMasses(std::size_t bulkSize, const std::vector<bool> &eventMask,
                     float *pts, float *etas, float *phis, float *masses,
                     std::size_t *sizes, std::vector<float> &results) {
  std::size_t elementIdx = 0u;
  for (std::size_t i = 0ul; i < bulkSize; ++i) {
    if (eventMask[i]) { // we don't have a value for this entry yet
      results[i] = InvMass(pts + elementIdx, etas + elementIdx,
                           phis + elementIdx, masses + elementIdx,
    elementIdx += sizes[i];

where pts, etas, phis and masses are flattened arrays of arrays of floats (one array per dataset row) and sizes contains the sizes of the sub-arrays for every row. There are bulkSize rows in total. We are only interested in results[i] if eventMask[i] is true.

InvMass in turn looks like this:

template <typename float>
float InvariantMassBaseline(const float *pt, const float *eta, const float *phi, const float *mass, std::size_t size) {
    float x_sum = 0.f;
    float y_sum = 0.f;
    float z_sum = 0.f;
    float e_sum = 0.f;

    for (std::size_t i = 0u; i < size; ++i) {
      // Convert to (e, x, y, z) coordinate system and update sums
      const auto x = pt[i] * std::cos(phi[i]);
      x_sum += x;
      const auto y = pt[i] * std::sin(phi[i]);
      y_sum += y;
      const auto z = pt[i] * std::sinh(eta[i]);
      z_sum += z;
      const auto e = std::sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z + mass[i] * mass[i]);
      e_sum += e;

    // Return invariant mass with (+, -, -, -) metric
    return std::sqrt(e_sum * e_sum - x_sum * x_sum - y_sum * y_sum -
                     z_sum * z_sum);

Latest results

Running on my laptop with:

  • hyperthreading turned off from BIOS
  • Intel turbo-boost turned off from BIOS
  • Intel speedstep turned off from BIOS
  • powersaving disabled via cpupower frequency-set --governor performance
  • compilation options -O3 -march=native
  • system otherwise idle
Running ./bench
Run on (8 X 2300.01 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
  L1 Data 32 KiB (x8)
  L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x8)
  L2 Unified 256 KiB (x8)
  L3 Unified 16384 KiB (x1)
Load Average: 0.31, 0.41, 0.59
Benchmark                          Time             CPU   Iterations
Baseline                       72254 ns        72212 ns         9693
BaselineSimpleSinh             34524 ns        34505 ns        20257
BaselinePowerSeries            20943 ns        20931 ns        33447
Bulk                           73186 ns        73144 ns         9540
BulkIgnoreMask                 70542 ns        70499 ns         9875
BulkIgnoreMaskSimpleSinh       33918 ns        33897 ns        20682
BulkIgnoreMaskPowerSeries      17440 ns        17430 ns        40146