
Mongator is an easy, powerful and ultrafast ODM for PHP and MongoDB. (forked from Mandango project)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Mongator ODM

Mongator Build Status

Mongator is to the ODMs what Mongo is to databases.

  • Simple: Mongator is developed in a simple way. This makes it very easy to learn, use, and avoid bugs.
  • Powerful: Mongator is very flexible thanks to Mondator, so you'll be able to use it to develop any type of application.
  • Ultrafast: Mongator has been designed to be extremely light in memory consumption and processing cost.

¿Aren't you convinced yet? Let me show you a few more features:

  • References and Embeds: Mongator allows you to work with [references and embeds] very easily.
  • Extensions: Mongator can be customized infinitely with Mondator Extensions.
  • Indexes: Mongator allows you to work easily with the [indexes] of the collections.
  • Events: Mongator throws hooks before and after inserting, updating, saving and deleting documents.
  • GridFS: Mongator allows to save files of any size using [GridFS].
  • Log: Mongator allows to save logs of the queries to improve the development.
  • batchInsert: Mongator uses [batchInsert] to insert documents in an efficient way.
  • Atomic Operations: Mongator uses [atomic operations] to update and delete documents efficiently.
  • Integratión with IDEs: Mongator uses generated code, so you may integrate it with your IDE.
  • Tested: Mongator is completely tested with automated test with [PHPUnit].

Mongator is the fastest mapper in PHP by far. More information in the [performance comparison].


  • PHP 5.3.x;
  • ext-mongo > 1.2.11


The recommended way of installing Mongator is through composer. You can see package information on Packagist.

    "require": {
        "mongator/mongator": "1.4.*"


$query = $articleRepository->createQuery(); // Model\ArticleQuery
$query = $articleRepository->createQuery($criteria);

// methods (fluent interface)
    ->criteria(array('is_active' => true))
    ->fields(array('title' => 1))
    ->sort(array('date' => -1))
    ->hint(array('date' => 1))

    ->references() // Mongator's extra

// the real query is only executed in these cases
foreach ($query as $result) { // iterating (IteratorAggregate interface)
$articles = $query->all(); // retrieving all results explicitly
$article = $query->one(); // retrieving one result  explicitly

// counting results (directly, without hydrate)
$nb = $query->count();
$nb = count($query); // Countable interface


Tests are in the tests folder. To run them, you need PHPUnit. Example:

$ phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml.dist


A small suite of benchmarking is included with the package, you can run the suite with this command:

php ./vendor/bin/athletic -b tests/bootstrap.php  -p tests/Mongator/Benchmarks/

Some results can be find at: https://gist.github.com/mcuadros/9560576
