Bitter Sails 2024 Game Jam Entry

Theme - Making Connections


Day 0 Story Design Concept Art Day 1 Placeholder Art + Sounds Day 2 Mechanics + Music Day 3 Art Polish

Story Design Concept Art

-- Making connections

Mechanics, video poker like, collecting memories, to make connections into the past.

You are sleeping, and dreaming a white canvas. You have 3 coins. You decide how many coins to spend to go deeper inside your dreams.


You are a wild oak tree, that has been cut by the forest people to make paper.

3 coins -> 3 2 coins -> 2 1 coin -> 21 1 coin -> 1 1 coin -> 11 1 coin -> 111 2 coins -> 12

3 .. Wild oak tree with deep roots onto the earth. 21 .. / 12 .. A telephone ringing. 111 .. Wind, swirls through the forest. 2 .. Seeds fall onto earth while it's raining. 11 .. A branch with leaves, with sunshine. 1 .. A letter written onto a paper.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Final

A Dream , Intro, Line, End

3.. a wild oak, hey, some roots too. 21.. Let a bell chime out a love. 111.. It's a wind, it's a forest. It's a wind in a forest. 2.. Some Seeds fall onto the earth, wet by rain. 11.. A sunshine cracks through branches and leaves. 1.. A letter written onto a paper.

3.. wild oaks, with a root companion, gets through the day, with a little gain.

21.. loves chimed out by a bell. a phone bell nothing else matters.

111.. a wind in a forest served by gingerbread, call me if you can, call out in a very deep voice.

2.. seeds fall onto earth, wet by rain. rain sings the song of the seeds, only earth hears it.

11.. Sunshine cracks through leaves with branches. Wake up, small oak tree, get through the day.

1.. Dear Micheal. this is my letter to you. Best wishes, Pam. Ps: what a crazy long ride it has been.