Blue Retro 2023

Blue Retro.

An idle clicker game where you try to please the character playing a platformer game.

Character will give you clues to what it wants.

There may or may not be a secret code which you can tweet me so I know you actually finished the game.

You can either manually control the player, or use buttons at the top right to automate the process. Hold pickup to pickup things and put them in your box to collect points. Highest points will be given a secret code and shared at the end of the jam. You have 2 minutes, enjoy.


- wasd or ijkl or Arrows for movement
- xc or Space for pickup
- m for toggle music


Use magic ratios like these to increase juice 0.86543 instead of dry numbers like 0.7 or 500.


do pnpm install first


  • do pnpm dist for building into dist folder and bundling into
  • do pnpm dev for starting vite development server, press o or visit localhost:3000 for page.
  • do pnpm content for watching and packing aseprite files into out_0.png and out_0.con then picked up from client code.
  • do pnpm devc for doing both.
  • do pnpm lint for watching typescript checks.

aseprite files go into assets/sprites folder. out_0.png files built into assets folder.

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