
It uses A* algorithm to find the shortest path using real map data

Primary LanguageC++

Route Planning Project

This is a Route Planning project for Udacity C++ Nanodegree.It uses A* algorithm to find the shortest path using real map data from the OpenStreeMap project and io2d rendering library to display the route on a map


When cloning this project, be sure to use the --recurse-submodules flag. Using HTTPS:

git clone https://github.com/udacity/CppND-Route-Planning-Project.git --recurse-submodules

or with SSH:

git clone git@github.com:udacity/CppND-Route-Planning-Project.git --recurse-submodules

Dependencies for Running Locally

Compiling and Running


To compile the project, first, create a build directory and change to that directory:

mkdir build && cd build

From within the build directory, then run cmake and make as follows:

cmake ..


The executable will be placed in the build directory. From within build, you can run the project as follows:


Or to specify a map file:

./OSM_A_star_search -f ../<your_osm_file.osm>


The testing executable is also placed in the build directory. From within build, you can run the unit tests as follows:
