⚠️ This project is intended as a playground to explore rust. Long term maintenance is not guaranteed. Buyer beware.
Connect to AWS EC2 hosts via a Bastion / Jump host
You must create a configuration file located at ~/.config/heimdallr.toml
. An
example configuration is shown below.
aws_profile = "default"
security_group_id = "sg-12345678"
dns_name = "bastion.example.io"
bastion_port = 1234
bastion_user = "example-user"
ec2_user = "ec2-user"
identity_file = "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
Note that each of these options can be overridden with an equivalent command line option. This allows you to define reasonable defaults, but the flexible to override when needed.
$ heimdallr --help
heimdallr 0.1.0
Connect to AWS EC2 hosts via a Bastion / Jump host
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-p, --profile <profile> Profile name as specified in your configuration file [default: default]
connect Connect to a running instance
grant Add your IP to a security group to allow ingress
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all running instances
revoke Revoke your IP from a security group to prevent future ingress
update Update this executable to the latest version
List instances available to connect to.
$ heimdallr list
│ Environment │ Name │ Instance Id │
│ Production │ ProductionInstance1 │ i-12345678901234567 │
│ Staging │ StagingInstance1 │ i-12345678901234567 │
Add your IPv4 address to the specified security group (with optional description).
$ heimdallr --profile default grant --description "Home machine"
Remove your IPv4 address from the specified security group.
$ heimdallr --profile default revoke
Generate the appropriate ssh command to:
Connect to an EC2 instance
$ heimdallr --profile default connect StagingInstance1
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p 1234 -A -t example-user@bastion.example.io ssh -A -t ec2-user@PRIVATE-IP bash
Connect to a service running on a specific cluster.
$ heimdallr --profile default connect cluster#service
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p 1234 -A -t example-user@bastion.example.io "ssh -A -t ec2-user@PRIVATE-IP \"docker exec -it -detach-keys 'ctrl-q,q' SERVICE_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ID bash\""
Connect to a service running on a specific cluster while override configuration options.
$ heimdallr --profile default connect --dns-name bastion-staging.example.io --bastion-user bastion-user cluster#service
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p 1234 -A -t bastion-user@bastion-staging.example.io "ssh -A -t ec2-user@PRIVATE-IP \"docker exec -it -detach-keys 'ctrl-q,q' SERVICE_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ID bash\""
Connect to a particular container if the service is running multiple tasks
$ heimdallr --profile default connect cluster#service#container
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p 1234 -A -t example-user@bastion.example.io "ssh -A -t ec2-user@PRIVATE-IP \"docker exec -it -detach-keys 'ctrl-q,q' SERVICE_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ID bash\""
Connect and run arbitrary command
$ heimdallr --profile default connect cluster#service#container ls -lah
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -p 1234 -A -t example-user@bastion.example.io "ssh -A -t ec2-user@PRIVATE-IP \"docker exec -it -detach-keys 'ctrl-q,q' SERVICE_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ID ls -lah\""
Install cargo-make and run the following command on main.
cargo make release
This will ensure that the project is in good shape (cargo test
, cargo clippy
, cargo build
, etc), generate a changelog and bump the appropriate
Once the commit and tag is pushed, a GitHub action will run to build static binaries and associate those artifacts with the latest release.
This code assumes you are making use of tags on your ec2 instances. Be sure to set Name and Env tags on each instance.
This project is a Rust re-implementation from an existing bash project. You can view the original project here.