
My Elixir solutions for Advent of Code.

Primary LanguageElixir

Advent of Code

Project to simplify AoC challenges. Originally created by @NobbZ aoc_ex


Copy/paste your daily input to priv. For example the challenge in year 2020 for day 1 goes to priv/y2020/d1.txt.

Add to lib/aoc.ex the year and day to the @solutions module attribute.

Create the module for your day. For example year 2020 for day 1 means lib/aoc/y2020/d1.ex.

Use this template:

defmodule Aoc.Y2020.D1 do
  use Aoc.Boilerplate,
    transform: fn raw -> raw |> String.split() |> Enum.map(&String.to_integer(&1)) end

  def part1(input \\ processed()) do

  def part2(input \\ processed()) do

In the example above look at the transform function, it parses each line to an integer. If you need to parse differently, change this function.

Then solve your challenges. part1/1 and part2/1 functions should return the answer.

Run mix aoc or mix aoc --spoil. Or also work in IEx.