Abstract validated base class using class-validator.
npm i -S validated-base
Extend to create a class that will validate the object passed in with whatever class-validator decorators you've added.
From that point forward, the instance of the model can be considered valid as it's passed around, and further validation checks are not necessary.
import { enumError, ValidatedBase } from "validated-base";
import { IsEnum, IsNumber, IsString, MaxLength, Min } from "class-validator";
FIRST= 'first',
interface ValidatedClassInterface {
foo: string;
bar: number;
things: ENUM_THINGS;
class ValidatedClass extends ValidatedBase implements ValidatedClassInterface {
constructor(params: ValidatedClassInterface, validate = true) {
this.bar = params.bar;
this.foo = params.foo;
this.things = params.things;
if (validate) {
readonly bar: number;
readonly foo: string;
@IsEnum(ENUM_THINGS, { message: enumError(ENUM_THINGS) })
readonly things: ENUM_THINGS;
// Validates class as it's constructed
const validatedModel = new ValidatedClass({ bar: 10, foo: 'something', things: ENUM_THINGS.FIRST });
// Throws exception if property is invalid
const boom = new ValidatedClass({ bar: -1, foo: 'this-is-too-long', things: 'not-enum' });