
A somewhat voxlap style renderer.

Primary LanguageC

--- Building instructions ---

Needs SDL2.dll and SDL2 dev tools installed at ./SDL2

Compile with gcc.exe -LSDL2_LIB_DIRECTORY -ISDL_INCLUDE_DIRECTORY raycast.c -Wpsabi -mavx2 -O3 -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -o raycast.exe

--- Running instructions --- Put ace of spades .vxl maps in a /maps directory and launch without any arguments.

  • Controls

F - toggles fog L - toggles lighting mode (no lighting / face-normal lighting / ambient occlusion + face-normal lighting) Arrow keys - move forward and back, turn left and right Z/X - go down / go up A/S - look up / look down Q/E - roll left / roll right

Middle mouse turns blocks transparent (it's a bit buggy right now) Right mouse turns blocks bright bink

D - switch render resolution (1x/ 1/2x / 1/4x) N - next map

  • Screenshots

Foggy morning on Rocket Island Voxel City