
Engine written in Java that recommends best wine/food/cheese parings

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Project Idea: A Wine Recommender System in Java

Engine that recommends best wine/food/cheese parings Available @ https://github.com/ehameyie/WineRecommender

MCIT 591 Spring 2019 - Final Project

Submitted on: March 31st 2019

Teammates: Eunice Hameyie, Paul De Sanctis, Viktoriya Bondarenko


Unless you are a connoisseur, most people struggle to pair the correct wine with their food or cheese. In this project, we build the recommender agent we wished existed.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

The user enters the meal or cheese she is about to partake of, as well as her location (zip code). The recommender outputs the best wine to pair her meal/cheese with, with a short explanation. The system also outputs the second best and cheaper wine to pair her food, as well as the worst wine she should not pair it with.

The recommender system then answers general statistics about its datasets:

  1. What is the highest rated wine?
  2. What is the lowest rated wine?
  3. Which country makes the best wine?
  4. Which country has the worst wine?
  5. Which grapes make the best wine?

Additional Feature

Depending on time, we will implement a recommendation of wine tasting events within 25 miles of the user’s location.

Work Breakdown (preliminary):

Identify base wine dataset - Eunice

Using kaggle https://www.kaggle.com/sudhirnl7/wine-recommender/data

Import dataset and write descriptive stats code:

  1. Rank wine in dataset from highest to lowest rated - Paul
  2. Rank wine from cheapest to most expensive - Paul
  3. Rank countries with most popular wines - Paul
  4. Rank grapes for most rated wines - Viktoriya
  5. Rank grapes for most expensive wines - Viktoriya

Identify dataset on wine and cheese pairings - Viktoriya

If API or dataset not readily available for download, create a database of wine and cheese pairings based on info from https://vinepair.com/wine-blog/an-illustrated-guide-to-pairing-wine-and-cheese/ and https://www.winemag.com/2015/03/26/wine-and-cheese/

Identify dataset on wine and meal pairings -Paul

If API or dataset not readily available for download, create a database of wine and cheese pairings based on info from http://sedimentality.com/drinking-wine/list-of-wine-and-food-pairings/ and https://www.foodandwine.com/slideshows/15-rules-great-wine-and-food-pairings#7 or https://winefolly.com/tutorial/getting-started-with-food-and-wine-pairing/

Identify database of wine festivals or tasting events per geographical locations - Eunice

Maybe a Google API or yelp? https://www.yelp.com/nearme/wine-tasting

Build the recommendation engine/predictor

  1. Actual recommendation in Java: a. Implement content based filter - Paul b. Implement collaborative filter - Eunice
  2. Try out Weka for advanced stats/machine learning - Eunice

Implement test use cases to test and validate all use cases run properly

  1. Confirm user can only enter predefined food categories Viktoriya
  2. Confirm user enters valid location; if not, that system returns “Zip code cannot be located, please re-enter” - Viktoriya
  3. Confirm correct statistics are displayed answering questions in the description - Eunice
  4. Confirm correct wine pairings are recommended - Viktoriya