
Laravel Shopping Cart

Primary LanguageCSS

About Repo

This repo consist on a Admin Panel and a User Interface. The admin can view a simple a dashboard with all users registered on each month, can CRUD a modul called Cars with has a many to many relationship with tags. User Interface has a simple view that shows all the "products" and user can live search, add to basket, modify cart before checkout.

After Clone

Please after cloning this repo, to make it work do as following:

  • run "composer install"
  • generate .env file and set up database
  • run "php artisan key:generate"
  • run "php artisan migrate"
  • run "php artisan db:seed" , this will also create 2 users 1) email: admin@gmail.com pass: admin1234 , 2) email: user@gmail.com pass: user1234

Shopping Cart is a very wide concept but I have tried to cover only the basics.