This repository powers, which includes documentation for the Allure Framework.
./gradlew asciidoctor
Documentation will be generated in the build/docs/html5/{version}/index.html
All of our documentation is written in AsciiDoctor. If you’re not a Markdown expert but you have content to contribute, feel free to submit a PR and we’ll help you out with the formatting.
Allure’s documentation is open source. We strongly encourage (and value!) any contributions from the community.
Contributions include: * General content improvement: typo fixes and sentence clarifications * New content: documentation for new features and guides for common use cases
Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request. See the Contributing Guide for more information.
First of all create/select the issue you wish to work on. You can use waffle board for that
Then create a branch (no need to fork the repo!) using the following name convention {issue-number}-some-comment
, eg 10-jenkins
$ git checkout -b 10-jenkins
$ git push -u origin 10-jenkins
After that issue will automaticly assigned to you and moved to in progress
. Then you can add some commits and send the pull request with changes (an example, using hub util):
$ git commit -am "some awesome changes"
$ git push origin 10-jenkins
$ hub pull-request
Issue will automaticly moved to on review
That is it, we will review it and merge.