Allure Documentation

This repository powers, which includes documentation for the Allure Framework.

Getting started

./gradlew asciidoctor

Documentation will be generated in the build/docs/html5/{version}/index.html path.

Style Requirements


All of our documentation is written in AsciiDoctor. If you’re not a Markdown expert but you have content to contribute, feel free to submit a PR and we’ll help you out with the formatting.

Writing Style

In general, we try to keep our writing style approachable and easy to understand.


Allure’s documentation is open source. We strongly encourage (and value!) any contributions from the community.

Contributions include: * General content improvement: typo fixes and sentence clarifications * New content: documentation for new features and guides for common use cases

Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request. See the Contributing Guide for more information.

Guide for docs-team

First of all create/select the issue you wish to work on. You can use waffle board for that

Then create a branch (no need to fork the repo!) using the following name convention {issue-number}-some-comment, eg 10-jenkins:

$ git checkout -b 10-jenkins
$ git push -u origin 10-jenkins

After that issue will automaticly assigned to you and moved to in progress. Then you can add some commits and send the pull request with changes (an example, using hub util):

$ git commit -am "some awesome changes"
$ git push origin 10-jenkins
$ hub pull-request

Issue will automaticly moved to on review.

That is it, we will review it and merge.