
url-shortener mini project for a job interview

Primary LanguageJavaScript

URL Shortener

How to run project:


  1. Install packages:
    npm i
  2. Export environment variables as below (example):
    EXPORT MONGODB=mongodb://root:root@localhost:27017/urlshortener?authSource=admin
  3. Then run the Project:
    npm run start


Simply run the project with docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d

It will build the project first, then runs it.

My notes and thoughts

  1. I tried to control the user inputs as much as I could with Joi package
  2. I added docker support, Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for easier usage, Also mongodb and redis setup included inside docker-compose
  3. I used prettier with .prettierrc config to maintain a single code style across all files in project.
  4. I used eslint to prevent future bugs, performance and code style problems.
  5. I did my best to follow best practices, Like DRY, KISS, YAGNI.
  6. Used middlewares for input validation in order to prevent code repetition.
  7. Implemented an errors service, which is a proxy to throw errors in a stylish was, also has http status code in it.
  8. Added a Postman collection file in docs folder for easier testing.
  9. Of course I can give the same short url slug for same url again, but I thought, Maybe we want to track each short url separately, or maybe two deferent users want a same url be shortened.

What I'll do next

  1. Add more logs with a better log package like winston for implement log to file and file rotation, etc...
  2. Add more tests, for every controller, db methods, etc...

Total time I spent on this task: 2h 30m