
Parallel C++ library for the Emu architecture

Primary LanguageC++

Emu C++ Utilities


A header-only C++ library for Emu which provides parallel function templates, distributed container classes, replicated object wrappers, and type-safe versions of Emu intrinsics.


Implements type-safe wrappers for the Emu intrinsic functions (atomic_addms, remote_add, atomic_cas, etc. ).

long counter;
MyClass * pointer;
emu::atomic_addms(&counter, 1); // increment counter by 1
emu::atomic_addms(&pointer, 1); // increment pointer by sizeof(MyClass)


Provides several functions for doing type-safe manipulation of Emu pointers. While equivalent functionality is available in the memoryweb library, these functions tend to be more efficient since they are defined in a header and can be inlined.

In most cases these functions should not be used directly; rely on the library to handle pointer magic for you.


Defines execution policy tags. Algorithms in the emu::parallel namespace such as for_each, reduce, and fill all accept an execution policy as the first argument which specifies how the function should be executed by the hardware. If no argument is passed, a default policy is used.

Serial policies:

  • emu::sequenced_policy (seq) : Execute in a single thread

Parallel policies: Each of these policies has a grain size argument.

  • emu::parallel_policy (par): Execute using multiple threads. One thread will be spawned for each granule.
  • emu::static_policy (fixed): Execute using a team of worker threads, giving each thread the same number of iterations. The grain size is interpreted as a minimum.
  • emu::dynamic_policy (dyn): Execute using a team of worker threads. Each thread will grab iterations from a work queue using atomic add. When operating on distributed arrays, there will be one work queue per nodelet. The iterator must be a raw pointer.

Compare with https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/execution_policy_tag_t


Implements parallel overloads of the std::for_each function, documented at https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/for_each.

  • Compiler selects the appropriate spawning pattern based on data structure:
    • Calling emu::parallel::for_each() on a std::vector will spawn threads locally.
    • Calling emu::parallel::for_each() on a emu::striped_array will spawn threads across the entire syste that use a striped indexing strategy to minimize migrations.


Implements parallel overloads of the std::reduce function, documented at https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/reduce.


Implements parallel versions of the std::fill function, documented at https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/fill.


Defines emu::nlet_stride_iterator<Iterator>, an iterator wrapper that advances the underlying iterator by NODELETS() every time it is incremented. This is useful when walking over a subset of a striped data structure, as every element will be on the same nodelet. Used internally by for_each and reduce.


Provides the emu::striped_array<T> container class, which wraps mw_malloc1dlong()-style striped arrays. Can be used for things like long, double, or any pointer (must be 8 bytes).

Advantages compared to mw_malloc1dlong:

  • Automatic memory alloc/free.
  • Iterators and operator overloads.
  • Type safety
  • Handles construction/destruction of arbitrary types.

This class is repl-aware, it can be safely nested in replicated classes or within emu::repl_shallow.


Provides the emu::repl_array<T> container class, which wraps mw_mallocrepl. Creates an array of the same size on each nodelet. Functions get_nth and get_localto are provided for getting a pointer to the array on a given nodelet.

This class is repl-aware, it can be safely nested in replicated classes or within emu::repl_shallow.


Provides support for replicated objects in C++.

Replicated storage:

The lifetime of an ordinary object in C++ looks like this:

  1. Allocation
  2. Construction
  3. Destruction
  4. Deallocation

For objects on the heap, steps 1+2 are handled by operator new, and steps 3+4 are handled by operator delete. For objects on the stack, these actions occur automatically when the object comes into scope and goes out of scope.

The Emu architecture allows us to place objects in replicated storage, which means there is storage allocated for the object on each nodelet at the same offset. Taking the address of a replicated object will result in a view-0 (nodelet-relative) pointer, which always accesses the local copy of the object when the thread migrates. The use of replicated objects can reduce the size of the migrating thread context and reduce the number of spurious migrations.

The memoryweb library provides several features for working with replicated storage:

  • replicated : place a global object in replicated storage
  • mw_mallocrepl: allocate storage for a replicated object on each nodelet, and return a view-0 (nodelet-relative) pointer to the storage.
  • mw_get_nth : convert the nodelet-relative (view-0) pointer to an absolute (view-1) pointer to the copy of the object on a given nodelet.
  • mw_free: deallocate storage for the replicated object

But note that these only handle allocation/deallocation of replicated objects. This header provides template wrappers to handle the full lifetime of replicated objects and to provide the expected semantics.

Replicated object wrapper templates:

emu::repl<T>: Replicated primitive (int, long, MyClass*, etc.)

  • Reads will return the value of the local copy.
  • Writes will assign the value to all copies.
  • Must not be created on the stack. Use new, emu::make_repl<T>(), or compose within another replicated object.
  • If you want a replicated primitive that does not broadcast writes to all nodelets, just use a regular primitive in replicated storage (i.e. long instead of emu::repl<long>.
  • Replicated references (i.e. emu::repl<MyClass&>) are not supported yet. Use a pointer instead.

emu::repl_deep<T>: Replicated object with deep copies.

  • Constructor will be called separately on each nodelet with the same arguments.
  • Each copy will be destructed individually.
  • Within method calls, this will be a nodelet-relative (view-0) pointer. If you wish to call a method on a particular copy of the object, use get_nth.
  • Must not be created on the stack. Use new or emu::make_repl_deep<T>().

emu::repl_shallow<T>: Replicated object with shallow copies

  • Calls the constructor on the local replicated copy, then makes a shallow copy of the local object on each remote nodelet. The semantics of "shallow copy" depend on T and can be customized by the user
    • If T is trivially copyable (no nested objects or custom copy constructor), remote copies will be initialized as bitwise copies using memcpy().
    • If T defines a "shallow copy constructor", it will be used to construct the shallow copies. The "shallow copy constructor" has the signature T(const T& other, emu::shallow_copy), where the second argument can be ignored. The shallow copy constructor should perform shallow copies on all members of the class (by simple assignment or calling their shallow copy constructors as appropriate).
  • The destructor will be called on only one copy, the other shallow copies are not destructed. Note that this is not guaranteed to be the same storage that the constructor was called upon.
  • Within method calls, this will be a nodelet-relative (view-0) pointer. If you wish to call a method on a particular copy of the object, use get_nth.
  • Must not be created on the stack. Use new or emu::make_repl_shallow<T>().

Function templates for replicated objects

emu::repl_for_each maps a function onto each copy of a replicated variable.

emu::repl_reduce uses a binary function to combine the values from each copy of a replicated variable into a single value (for example, to add up all the subtotals of a replicated accumulator variable).


  • Implement parallel versions of remaining C++ standard library algorithms. Most of these can be done in terms of for_each and reduce:
    • Collectives: all_of, any_of, none_of
    • Reductions/Prefix sum: accumulate, partial_sum, count_if
    • Sort/Dedup sort, shuffle, unique_copy