
High throughput workflows and automation for HPC

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


GitHub tag (latest by date) Documentation Status PyPI - License

Balsam: HPC Workflows & Edge Service

Balsam makes it easy to manage large computational campaigns on a supercomputer. Instead of writing and submitting job scripts to the batch scheduler, you send individual tasks (application runs) to Balsam. The service takes care of reserving compute resources in response to changing workloads. The launcher fetches tasks and executes the workflow on its allocated resources.

Balsam requires minimal "buy-in" and works with any type of existing application. You don't have to learn an API or write any glue code to acheive throughput with existing applications. On systems with Balsam installed, it's arguably faster and easier for a beginner to run an ensemble using Balsam than by writing an ensemble job script:

$ balsam app --name SayHello --executable "echo hello,"
$ for i in {1..10}
> do
>  balsam job --name hi$i --workflow test --application SayHello --args "world $i"
> done
$ balsam submit-launch -A Project -q Queue -t 5 -n 2 --job-mode=serial


  • Applications require zero modification and run as-is with Balsam
  • Launch MPI applications or pack several non-MPI tasks-per-node
  • Run apps on bare metal or inside a Singularity container
  • Flexible Python API and command-line interfaces for workflow management
  • Execution is load balanced and resilient to task faults. Errors are automatically recorded to database for quick lookup and debugging of workflows
  • Scheduled jobs can overlap in time; launchers cooperatively consume work from the same database
  • Multi-user workflow management: collaborators on the same project can add tasks and submit launcher jobs using the same database

The Balsam API enables a variety of scenarios beyond the independent bag-of-tasks:

  • Add task dependencies to form DAGs
  • Program dynamic workflows: some tasks spawn or kill other tasks at runtime
  • Remotely submit workflows, track their progress, and coordinate data movement tasks

Read the Balsam Documentation online at balsam.readthedocs.io!

Existing site-wide installations

Balsam is deployed in a public location at the following sites. On these systems, it's not necessary to install Balsam yourself:

Location System Command
ALCF Theta module load balsam
ALCF Cooley source /soft/datascience/balsam/setup.sh



Balsam requires Python 3.6 or later. Preferably, set up an isolated virtualenv or conda environment for Balsam. It's no problem if some applications in your workflow run in different Python environments. You will need setuptools 39.2 or newer. For virtualenv users with an outdated setuptools, run:

$ pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

If you are using conda, the above command may break your conda environment. Instead, use:

$  conda update setuptools

Note, conda update --force conda may fix errors resulting from the first command in this situation.

Some Balsam components require mpi4py, so it is best to install Balsam in an environment with mpi4py already in place and configured for your platform. At the minimum, a working MPI implementation and mpicc compiler wrapper should be in the search path, in which case the mpi4py dependency will automatically build and install.

Finally, Balsam requires PostgreSQL version 9.6.4 or newer to be installed. You can verify that PostgreSQL is in the search PATH and the version is up-to-date with:

$ pg_ctl --version

It's easy to get the PostgreSQL binaries if you don't already have them. Simply adding the PostgreSQL bin/ to your search PATH should be enough to use Balsam without having to bother a system administrator.

Quick setup

$ pip install balsam-flow
$ balsam init ~/myWorkflow
$ source balsamactivate myWorkflow

Once a Balsam database is activated, you can use the command line to manage your workflows:

$ balsam app --name SayHello --executable "echo hello,"
$ balsam job --name hi --workflow test --application SayHello --args 'world!' --yes
$ balsam submit-launch -A MyProject -q DebugQueue -t 5 -n 1 --job-mode=mpi
$ watch balsam ls   #  follow status in realtime from command-line

Citing Balsam

If you are referencing Balsam in a publication, please cite the following paper:

  • M. Salim, T. Uram, J.T. Childers, P. Balaprakash, V. Vishwanath, M. Papka. Balsam: Automated Scheduling and Execution of Dynamic, Data-Intensive HPC Workflows. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Python for High-Performance and Scientific Computing. ACM Press, 2018.