HealthKitServer is a RESTfull server that uses Apple's new hub for health-realted information, HealthKit, to store a persons health related data.
With HealthKit, Apple has created a hub for health data from devices like The Apple Watch, FitBit and Jawbone. Why not store all that data outside the iPhone, perhaps in a structured way that can be shared with other health-realted systems?
The project includes the server itself written in .NET (compiled with Mono for cross-platform support) and an iOS app written with Xamarin Forms.
Note: The Server API supports data from other sources as well, not just HealthKit.
- Nancy.Selfhost
- TopShelf
- Xamarin.Forms
- Dapper
- LightInject
I like to let users choose datastorage, so support for the following datastorage methods is created:
- Local Cache (in memory)
- Save all data as OpenEHR archetypes.
Separate core project from Xamarin Forms to make building on Linux easier (xbuild can only be run on OSX or Windows).Done, Common project added.- More general interfaces for importing data from other sources than HealthKit. (deserialization of archetypes?)
Move from SimpleContainer to LightInject when the codebase gets bigger.Done.- Create Apple Watch extension
- Support for SQLite
# Run local with data stored in memory:
git clone
cd HealthKitServer/
./buildServer run-local
A Vagrant-file is provided for running on a Linux VM with Docker preinstalled. Example with MySQLdatabase:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/Database
cd ..
# Edit HealthKitData.Host/bin/Debug/HealthKitServer.Host.exe.config and chose 'database' as source.
# Enter healthkitserverdb as database in connectionstring!
docker build -t healthkitserver .
docker run -p 5000:5000 --link healthkitserverdb:healthkitserverdb -it healthkitserver
curl http://localhost:5000/api/v1/ping