
A workplace communication tool focusing on ease of use.

Primary LanguageCSS



Fetch is a workplace communication and informational tool. It incorporates real-time chat with ActionCable connection to a Ruby on Rails server, as well as a directory service organizing employees by their team, expertise, etc.


  • David Coughlin - User Experience Designer (UX Research & Design)
  • Errol Highberg - Software Developer (Application Logic & Documentation)
  • Tara Solbrig - Software Developer (Frontend Developer & Animations/Micro-interactions)
  • Trevor Smith-Holbourn - Software Developer (Realtime Chat & Server)
  • Valeria Gonzalez - User Experience Designer (UX Research & Design)

Problem Statement

Users need to work cross-functionally to do their job more effectively. But it can be difficult to obtain information from other teams.

How might we help users connect with the “the right” people outside their immediate team to make their workflow more efficient?


One core feature is an employee directory system which users can search by employee name, team, or self-defined tags (skills, hobbies, etc.). These searches can be used to start chats directly (with an entire team, for example), as well as look up contact information for specific people.

MVP Libraries and external APIs

Library Description
React Front end framework for reusable components.
React Router In-app routing to make single page application.
Axios Simpler interface for getting data to/from front end.
Formik Simpler form handling in React by reducing boilerplate.
Faker Generate seed data for fast development.
Ruby on Rails Backend server with easy database and routing setup.
CORS Allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing in development.
Tailwind CSS Reduce boilerplate CSS for fast development.
ActionCable.js Real-time updates interfacing with Rails backend.
React-Swipeable Add swipe gestures for improved mobile experience.
React-Interactions Component library for designing micro-interactions.
Redis Production database for handling web sockets.

MVP Client (Front End)


Login Home Search Team Contact Bio Pics Essence

Component Hierarchy

Component Hierarchy

Component Breakdown

Page Description
FourNaughtFour 404 error handling.
Home Login, search, and directory access.
Login User login, and landing page if not logged in.
RoomListPage List all chat rooms.
RoomPage Handles display and creation of posts in a chat room.
SearchResults Display results of search.
Team Display members of a team.
TeamList Display all teams and their team leaders.
UserProfile Display status updates and contact info for a single user.
UserProfilePage2 Display bio, interests, and social activity for a single user.
UserProfilePage3 Display pictures for a single user.
UserProfilePage4 Display Essence for a single user.
Component Description
Avatar Display picture, name, and title of user.
AvatarSmall Smaller picture, name, and title of user.
Bio Display user bio information.
Contact Display contact info, including preferred method and average response time.
DotLink Display the three dots used in links.
Interests Display user interests.
Nav Site navigation.
Pics Display user's pictures.
Post Display a single post in a room, including user name and picture.
PostForm Submit posts to rooms.
Presence Online / away / offline status of user.
ProfileNav Click and swipe navigation through user profile.
Room Displays posts in a chat room, with their author and time.
RoomCard Summary info for a room.
RoomList List all chat rooms.
SearchBar Query by search type and string input.
Status Incorporates presence and away message.
UserCard Summary information for a single user.
UserList Display a collection of UserCards.

MVP Server (Back End)

ERD Model

ERD Model


  • GET /users
    • Index route returning all users
  • GET /users/:id
    • Show route returning a single user requested by ID

  • GET /rooms
    • Index route returning a list of all chat rooms
  • GET /roomwithdetails/:id
    • Show route for a single chat room with all its posts and user info

  • POST /posts
    • Create route which adds a post to a room

  • GET /teams
    • Index route returning all teams

  • Web Socket @ wss://mysterious-anchorage-39512.herokuapp.com/cable
    • Live updates for realtime chat

Data Flow

Search Flow Diagram


  • Send email from app
  • Share documents and / or media
  • More micro-interactions
  • Chat rooms are only visible to participants
  • Users can sticker good posts
  • Add department summary page
  • Animated dropdown from team list, displaying members of that team
  • Tooltips for contact methods on user profiles
  • User profile "schedule a meeting" button redirecting to Calendly

Code Issues & Resolutions

Expected Issues

  • Making sockets work for real time chat rooms.
  • Displaying profile information effectively to users.
  • Time management on short deadline.
  • Dynamic generation and access to chat rooms.

Encountered Issues

  • Seeding self-referencing tables. Fixed by aliasing one of the table references.
  • Development at the same time as design is very tough. Mitigated with about 3 meetings per day.
  • Original design called for single search bar to search all fields. Added drop down search bar to allow selection of search type.
  • Setting up ActionCable for deployment was very tricky, requiring some additional gems and NPM packages, as well as setting up the Redis server on Heroku.