
AMI Medical Imaging (AMI) JS ToolKit for THREEJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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**AMI Alpha** is now available for developer preview.
Please submit pull request, open issues or contact us for any question, feature request, etc.

- <Important Note>
-  Developer preview means that the API might change but you can already build cool apps with AMI.


  1. Hello AMI
  2. Features
  3. Usage
  4. Developer corner
  5. Credits
  6. Citations

Hello AMI

lesson00 Lesson 00: Load
Load DICOM Data and get a nice Series/Stack/Frame structure.
lesson01 Lesson 01: Visualize 3D
Look at the data we loaded in 3D.
lesson00 Lesson 02: Mesh
Add a mesh to the scene.
lesson00 Lesson 03: Visualize 2D
Look at the data in 2D.
lesson00 Lesson 04: Labelmap
Overlays on top of you data.
Lesson 05: TRK
TRK - coming soon.
lesson00 Lesson 06: Volume Rendering
Volume Rendering.
Lesson 07: Lookup tables
Lookup Tables - coming soon.
lesson00 Lesson 08: Custom progress bar
Custom progress bars.

(more) Advanced demos

Volume rendering, 2D viewer, arbitrary reslicing and more examples and advanced demos there!



Capabilities Volumes Meshes Widgets
✅ 2D Visulization ✅ Dicom ✅ VTK (THREEJS) 🔶 Handle (2D/3D)
✅ 3D Visualization ✅ NRRD ✅ STL (THREEJS) 🔶 Probe (2D/3D)
✅ Volume Rendering ✅ Nifti 🔶 TRK 🔶 Ruler (2D/3D)
✅ Lookup Tables ✅ MHD/RAW ❌ FSM 🔶 Orientation (2D/3D)
🔶 Label Maps ❌ MGH/MGZ ❌ CURV 🔶 Angle (2D/3D)



  • ES2015 promises support. (consider using polyfills if needed)
  • Load THREEJS your index.html BEFORE AMI.

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/r81/three.js"></script>


$> npm install ami.js

Note: you might need to include babel transforms in you build process.

// app.js
const AMI = require('ami.js');
window.console.log('Ready to rock!!');


Check-out the lessons to get started quickly.

Add AMI in your index.html after THREEJS.

<!-- index.html -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/r81/three.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ami.js/0.0.12/ami.min.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>

const AMI = AMI.default;
window.console.log('Ready to rock!!');

Developer corner

Get the source code and related packages.

$> git clone https://github.com/FNNDSC/ami.git
$> cd ami
$> yarn install --ignore-optional

Default task (lint, tests, demo and build)

$> yarn run

To run examples (browserify/babelify/serve the example)

$> yarn run example <examples name>

#run the geometries_slice example
$> yarn run example geometries_slice

To run lessons (browserify/babelify/serve the lesson)

$> yarn run lesson <lesson number>

# run lesson 00
$> yarn run lesson 00

Build standalone library to build/

$> yarn run build:ami


$> yarn run test


$> yarn run doc

Deploy dist/ to gh-pages

$> yarn run deploy

Find out more about the API.


AMI would not exist without them:

  • Base components such as Vectors, Matrices and Objects3D.
  • HTML template for example page.
  • Author(s): mrdoob
  • DICOM parsing relies on it.
  • Author(s): chafey
  • Was used to figure out how to use the dicom parser properly.
  • Author(s): chafey
  • Nifti parsing relies on it.
  • Author(s): rii-mango
  • NRRD parsing relies on it.
  • Author(s): jaspervdg
  • JPEG Lossless Decoder for DICOM images
  • Author(s): rii-mango
  • GZ file decompression
  • Author(s): nodeca
