CoderDojo Colorado

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CoderDojo is a global volunteer-led charity providing free programming workshops for young people between 7 and 17. It is a grassroots collection of independently run Dojos teaching a variety of STEM classes. This app provides a way for the independently run Dojos in Colorado to keep track of their student's attendance and for the leaders of the Dojos to create and edit events for their classes. The platform hosts multiple venues, and registering on the app will give parents/students the ability to log their attendance at meetings at any venue. This app was created as our capstone project at Turing School of Software and Design. It is a collaboration between three Frontend Engineers and one Backend Engineer.


Deployed at

Our backend repo can be found at

Installation Instructions

Clone the front-end repo here:

git clone

Once you have cloned the repo, change into the directory:

cd coderdojo-fe

Once you have changed into the directory, install the library dependencies:

npm install


npm start


Main Splash Page of CoderDojo Colorado

Learning Goals

  • Client side GraphQL
  • Collaboration between a Frontend and Backend team
  • Conditionally creating three user experiences depending on if the user is a student, admin, or a guardian
  • Creating a secure user experience by making use of tokens


  • Apollo GraphQL
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Router
  • Jest & Enzyme
  • Travis CI
  • Heroku




Project Board & Future Improvements