Palette-Picker Api

Build Status


This project is a RESTful api for the purpose of allowing users to create projects w/ color palettes. It is a relational database utilizing a one-to-many relationship. The app was built with Node and Express, and is deployed to (Heroku)[Placeholder]

Important Notes:

  • Base URL=
  • The Palettes are dependant on Projects.
    • If you delete a Project, it will delete all corresponding Palettes
    • If you create a Palette and do not supply a Project_id, the backend will create a new default project for association.

Resource Lists

GET /api/v1/projects

List of Projects

Name Description Type
id The identifier for the project number
name The name of the project string
  • Expected output:
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Test",
        "created_at": "2019-07-04T18:54:16.664Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-07-04T18:54:16.664Z"

GET /api/v1/palettes

List of Palettes

Name Description Type
id The identifier for the friendly npc number
name The name of the friendly npc string
color_1 HEX value for palette color_1 string
color_2 HEX value for palette color_2 string
color_3 HEX value for palette color_3 string
color_4 HEX value for palette color_4 string
color_5 HEX value for palette color_5 string
project_id The identifier of the project of the palette number
  • Expected Output:
        "id": 1,
        "project_id": 1,
        "name": "test palette",
        "color_1": "A8E0FF",
        "color_2": "8EE3F5",
        "color_3": "70CAD1",
        "color_4": "3E517A",
        "color_5": "B08EA2",
        "created_at": "2019-07-04T18:54:16.730Z",
        "updated_at": "2019-07-04T18:54:16.730Z"

Specific Resource

GET /api/v1/projects/{id}

  • Single Project
Name Description Type
id The identifier for the project number
name The name of the project string

GET /api/v1/palettes/{id}

  • Single Palette
Name Description Type
id The identifier for the friendly npc number
name The name of the friendly npc string
color_1 HEX value for palette color_1 string
color_2 HEX value for palette color_2 string
color_3 HEX value for palette color_3 string
color_4 HEX value for palette color_4 string
color_5 HEX value for palette color_5 string
project_id The identifier of the project of the palette number


POST /api/v1/projects

Name Description Type
id The identifier for the project number
name The name of the project string
  • Make sure the format looks like this:
{name: 'Project Name'}

POST /api/v1/palettes/

Name Description Type
id The identifier for the friendly npc number
name The name of the friendly npc string
color_1 HEX value for palette color_1 string
color_2 HEX value for palette color_2 string
color_3 HEX value for palette color_3 string
color_4 HEX value for palette color_4 string
color_5 HEX value for palette color_5 string
project_id The identifier of the project of the palette number
  • Make sure the format looks like this:
    • Must have 6 digits for HEX value, like the below example
    • Project_id needs to be passed through with the object. If creating a new project, make sure to fire the Post request for that first. Then you can grab the id from Project Post request.
    • If no Project_id is passed, the backend will create a default.
 name: 'Palette name',
 color_1: '3e3e3e',
 color_2: '6f6f6f',
 color_3: '7e7e7e',
 color_4: 'eeeeee',
 color_5: '999999',
 project_id: 1


DELETE /api/v1/projects/{id}

DELETE /api/v1/palettes/{id}

Technologies used

  • Knex
  • PostgreSQL
  • Node
  • Express
  • Heroku
  • TravisCI