
Time travelling debug wrapper app for oak apps

Primary LanguagePureScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Time-travel for debugging your Oak applications! You'll be able to see all the events that have happened in your Oak app, and move forward and backward through time! Does not repeat Effects, only uses messages and your update function to recreate the model state at that point in time.

Time travel!

Very easy to use, just bower install this module

bower install purescript-oak-debug

Then import it in your Main.purs and wrap your app in debugApp from the Oak.Debug module like so:

import Oak.Debug (debugApp)

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  rootNode <- runApp (debugApp app) Nothing
  container <- getElementById "app"
  appendChildNode container rootNode

Finally, define a Show instance for your message type. The excellent purescript compiler will help you with this part. If you're coming from an object oriented language, this is like defining a toString() method on a class.

import Data.Show ( class Show )

instance showMsg :: Show Msg where
  show msg =
    case msg of
      Inc -> "Inc"
      Dec -> "Dec"

If your app sends a message on runApp, wrap it in the Oak.Debug.DebugMsg value Wrap like so:

import Oak.Debug (debugApp, DebugMsg(..)) as Debug

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  let initialMessage = Just $ Debug.Wrap MyMessage
  rootNode <- runApp (Debug.debugApp app) initialMessage
  container <- getElementById "app"
  appendChildNode container rootNode

Full example application below:

module Main (main) where

import Prelude
  ( Unit
  , bind
  , mempty
  , show
  , (<>)
  , (>>>)
import Oak.Html.Events (onClick)
import Oak.Debug ( debugApp )
import Data.Show (class Show)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Oak
  ( runApp
  , App
  , createApp
import Oak.Html
  ( Html
  , div
  , text
  , button
import Oak.Document
  ( appendChildNode
  , getElementById
import Oak.Ajax
  ( get
  , AjaxError

type Model = { message :: String }

type Response = { text :: String }

data Msg
  = Get String
  | GetResult (Either AjaxError Response)

instance showMsg :: Show Msg where
  show msg =
    case msg of
      Get       url -> "Get       " <> url
      GetResult a   -> "GetResult " <> show a

view :: Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div []
    [ div [] [ button [ onClick (Get "1.json") ] [ text "get 1" ] ]
    , div [] [ button [ onClick (Get "2.json") ] [ text "get 2" ] ]
    , div [] [ button [ onClick (Get "3.json") ] [ text "get 3" ] ]
    , div [] [ text model.message ]

next :: Msg -> Model -> (Msg -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit
next msg mod h =
  case msg of
    GetResult _ -> mempty
    Get url     -> get url (GetResult >>> h)

update :: Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
  case msg of
    Get url                  -> model { message = "getting " <> url <> "..." }
    GetResult (Left e)       -> model { message = show e }
    GetResult (Right result) -> model { message = result.text }

init :: Model
init =
  { message: ""

app :: App Msg Model
app = createApp
  { init: init
  , view: view
  , update: update
  , next: next

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  rootNode <- runApp (debugApp app) Nothing
  container <- getElementById "app"
  appendChildNode container rootNode