UCAM Extended

Missing Features of UCAM


💠 Introductions

Features collection that should've had on UCAM from the very begining but does not have . (check screenshots)


📜 Features

* Shuttle Ticket System.
* Option to Choose Time Slot on Pre-advising.
* News feed where teachers can announce news.
* Many More..


🔹 Features (Detailed)

Shuttle Ticket System
* Details will be added later.
Option to Choose Time Slot on Pre-advising
* Details will be added later.
News feed where teachers can announce news
* Details will be added later.



🖼️ Screenshots

Click Here to View All Screenshots


⁉️ FAQ

✔️ Will be added later.
     🅰️ Will be added later.


🔆 Need Help?

Email (Fardin): fahmed201131@bscse.uiu.ac.bd
Email (Raiyan): rahasan192086@bscse.uiu.ac.bd