Welcome to the Compiler Design project that combines Dart and Flutter compilers with navigation features, HTML generation from Flutter, and integration of the ANTLR 4 parser generator. This comprehensive project aims to provide not only a powerful compiler system for Dart and Flutter but also enhanced parsing capabilities using ANTLR 4, making the codebase more modular and maintainable.
Converts Dart source code into intermediate representation. Performs lexical analysis, syntax parsing, and semantic analysis. Generates optimized intermediate code.
Compiles Flutter source code into executable binaries. Supports the Flutter framework's unique features and widgets. Integrates with the Dart compiler to handle Flutter-Dart interdependencies. Navigation System:
Implements a navigation system to facilitate code exploration. Enables users to navigate through the codebase efficiently. Supports features like code jumping, finding references, and more.
Transforms Flutter code into HTML representations. Facilitates web-based Flutter application development. Provides a seamless transition between Flutter and web development.
Constructs a detailed AST representation of the code. Allows for easy manipulation and analysis of the code structure. Aids in optimization, transformation, and other compiler-related tasks. Optimization Techniques:
Includes various optimization strategies for generated code. Focuses on improving runtime performance and reducing resource usage.