
Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

CSC309 A3 Connect4

Index page is the login page. You must first log in with a valid username and password.
If you've lost or forgotten your password, you can request for a new salted password
to be sent to your registered email. If this is your first time
visiting the site, you can create a new account and log in with the newly created account.

When the game starts with another user, the user who issued the invite goes first.
After user1 makes a move, it becomes user2's turn to make a move, and vice versa.
After a move is made, the result of the move will show up for both users.
There are three possible scenarios:
	1) the move results in a win
	2) the move results in a tie
	3) a regular move; no win or tie resulting from it. 

If there is a win, both users are alerted of who won the match, and the winning 4 pieces are highlighted. 
If there is a tie, both users are alerted of the tie.
In both cases (win or tie), the game is over, and both users are redirected to the arcade page.

Rules the Users Must Comply To:
(I.e. we built our connect4 based on these assumptions)

1. User must first log in to the site.
2. User can then wait for invitation or invite one of the available users.
3. User can accept or turn down an invitation.
4. User who sends the invite starts first.
5. User can only play one match at a time.
6. User may NOT log out, chicken out  or disappear for whatever reason until the match is over.
7. User's invitation will be answered eventually. (i.e. we do not timeout invites.)
8. User will not refresh the page in the middle of the game.

Notes for Coders (Ourselves):

For db use:
	mysql -h bungle08.cs.toronto.edu -u username -p 
For testing and debugging:
	firefox -no-remote -ProfileManager &

1. store state of game in match.board_state as a blob
2. update user_status table:
	login: set user status to 2 (available)
	user1 sends invite to u2: set u1 to 3 (waiting)
				      u2 to 4 (invited)
	invite accepted: set status to 5 (playing)
	invite rejected: set status to 2 (available)
3. update invite table:
	when u1 invites u2, an entry in the invite table
	with status 1 (pending) is created. 
	change this to 2 (accepted) or 3 (rejected) later
4. update match table:
	when invite accepted: create new entry in match table
	with status 1 (active)
	change this to 2 (u1win), 3 (u2win) or 4 (tie) later

Other requirements:

- Improve resilience of site: add cpatcha for new account creation
	use Securimage PHP library
- Make sure to use AJAX, JSON, JQUERY