

  1. Prepare the USB device as bootable medium. In my case, disk3 is USB device.
  dd if=/Users/saravanan/Downloads/archlinux-2020.04.01-x86_64.iso of=/dev/disk3 bs=1m
  1. Boot the system with USB and select the Arch Linux archiso x86_64 UEFI CD from the boot menu by pressing F12.

  2. You should be logged into the Arch Linux console. You can install Arch Linux from here.

Note: You need to use iwctl command to manually connect the Wi-Fi at this stage.

  $ setfont iso01-12x22.psfu.gz
  $ iwctl
  [iwd]# device list
  [iwd]# station [device] scan
  [iwd]# station [device] get-networks
  [iwd]# staion [device] connect [SSID]

  # onliner
  $ iwctl --passphrase [password] station [device] connect [SSID]

Note: Use the below commands to install prerequisites

$ pacman -Sy
$ pacman -S git glibc
  1. Clone the SecureOS script in the system.
  git clone # on local network
  cd SecureOS
  chmod +x secureos
  1. Arch Linux Installation before chroot.
  ./secureos install
  1. Arch Linux Installation after chroot.
  arch-chroot /mnt
  ./secureos install-chroot

In this stage, Arch Linux Installation will be completed. Reboot the system and enter into the newly installed Arch Linux system. You can use nmcli command to manually connect the Wi-Fi at this stage. Also you need to repeat the step 4.

   nmcli device wifi connect [SSID] password [WiFi Password]
  1. Automatically reboot if any USB device is removed from the system.
  ./secureos usb-auto-reboot
  1. Wipe the RAM during shutdown and reboot.
  ./secureos ram-wipe
  1. Configure MAC address randomization.
  ./secureos random-mac
  1. Encrypt the root partition using SoloKey.
  ./secureos solokey

Reboot and login the system using SoloKey. Once the SoloKey authentication works, please remove the weak manual password we set for /dev/sda3.

cryptsetup luksRemoveKey /dev/sda3
  1. Enable Secure Boot in UEFI. Note: Refer here for prerequisites
  ./secureos secure-boot

Reboot and verify the secure boot status using bootctl status

  1. Encrypt the boot partition using TPM 2.0.
  ./secureos tpm2luks
