
Hi! This is the public repository for our upcoming Hack the North workshop focused on Docker.

Primary LanguagePython


Hi! This is the public repository for our upcoming Hack the North workshop focused on Docker. Lets have fun!

Deploying the app:

Step (1):

  • Create a GCP Project.

Step (2):

  • Enable Billing.

Step (3):

  • Go to Compute Engine and create a new instance.
  • Select Boot Disk as Container Optimized OS
  • Then click allow HTTP traffic under firewall

Step (4):

  • Click on VPC Network, then go to Firewall
  • Create a new rule:
    • Give it a name
    • Switch targets to all instances in network
    • Then in IP ranges add in for all traffic
    • Under protocols and ports allow all

Step (5):

  • Connect to the VM by clicking on that SSH button

Step (6):

Step (7):

  • cd into HTN-Goose-Counter: cd HTN-Goose-Counter and then edit /src/frontend/public/main.html and replace the localhost with the external IPs from your cloud service provider.

Step (8):

  • Run the actual application by building each one according to the Makefile. Then run the following for docker-compose up:
docker run --rm \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v "$PWD:$PWD" \
    -w="$PWD" \
    docker/compose:1.24.0 up