
OpenGL Engine

Primary LanguageC++

Engine type of thing that is built while learning OpenGL.


  • Skybox + Environment Mapping Reflections/Refractions wegojim

  • Phong Lighting with Forward Rendering with ImGui sigmallionare

Normal Map Disabled Normal Map Enabled

Soft PCF Shadow Mapping + HDR Tonemapping Algorithms (ACES Filmic, Exposure, Reinhard, Uncharted 2) zigmus

Project Roadmap (in order)

  • HDR/Bloom
  • Cascading Shadow Maps (for better shadows)
  • Deferred Renderer (replace with Tiled Forward or Clustered Forward in the future)
  • Organizing code (very important since the code is shit)
  • PBR implementation
  • Parallax Mapping
  • Support for Geometry Shaders
  • Instancing
  • Batch Rendering
  • Support for Compute Shaders
  • Atmospheric Scattering
  • Volumetric Clouds
  • Terrain Rendering / Tesellation Shaders
  • Skeletal Animation
  • Shadows (directional light)
  • Normal Mapping

made possible thanks to learnopengl.com.

To create a new Application, type: sh generate_app.sh -p YOUR_APP_LOCATION -n YOUR_APP_NAME

Note that YOUR_APP_LOCATION must be in one of the directories that CMake knows, such as

  • apps/
  • src/
  • include/


sh generate_app.sh -p apps/learnopengl -n DepthTest

This will create 2 files: DepthTest.h and DepthTest.cpp which is a boilerplate code for a new application. Also the script will generate the necessary build files both in Release and Debug.

Once you have made your app, you can go to src/main.cpp and instantiate your app.

Note: res/models folder is not included in this repo since the files are too large. Download them using this link

Example Apps:

Mandelbrot Set: