
Template LL parser generator

Primary LanguageC++

String Parser

Header only template-based LL parser generator.

fully supported with clang / c++14


Add include directory to INCLUDE_PATH and

#include <parser.hpp>

will include every features to your application


Note that in all examples,

#include <parser.hpp>
namespace ep = eh::parser;
// @FileName : examples/calculator.cpp

int main()
  // REGEX : [0-9]
  // Pattern Match and return its digit as integer type
  auto digit_parser = 
      ep::range( '0', '9' ),

      // captured Attribute of range() is decltype(*iterator) = char
      // this functor will be called every range() pattern matched
      []( char captured_character )
        // return char->digit
        // this will be new Attribute of this parser
        return (int)(captured_character - '0');

  // make action() using [] operator
  auto digit_parser2 =
    ep::range('0', '9')[ digit_parser.functor ];

  // REGEX : [0-9]+
  auto integer_parser =
      ep::repeat( digit_parser, 1, 12 ),

      // captured Attribute of repeat() is vector< child Attribute > = vector<int>
      []( std::vector<int> &captured_digits )
        int result = 0;
        for( int d : captured_digits )
          result = result * 10 + d;
        // return accumulated integer;
        // this will be new Attribute of this parser
        return result;

  // REGEX : integer_parser ( ('+'|'-') integer_parser )*
  auto plus_minus_expression_noaction =
    ep::seq( // Attribute = tuple< Attr of child > = tuple< int, vector< tuple<char,int> > >
      integer_parser, // Attribute = int
      ep::repeat( // Attribute = vector< Attr of child > = vector< tuple<char,int> >
        ep::seq( // Attr = tuple< Attrs of child > = tuple< char, int >
          ep::or_(  // char ( only if all child's Attr are same )
            ep::one('-'), // char
            ep::one('+') // char
          integer_parser // int
        0, 10000000

  // or using literals and operator
  using namespace ep::literals;
  auto plus_minus_expression_noaction2 =
       ('-'_p | '+'_p) >> integer_parser

  auto plus_minus_expression =
      // captured tuple will be automatically unpacked
      []( int first_captured_integer, std::vector< std::tuple<char,int> > const& rhs_captured )
        int result = first_captured_integer;

        // process right-hand-side operations
        for( auto tup : rhs_captured )
          char operation = std::get<0>( tup );
          int rhs_integer = std::get<1>( tup );

          if( operation == '+' ){ result += rhs_integer; }
          else if( operation == '-' ){ result -= rhs_integer; }

        // return calculated integer;
        // this will be new Attribute of this parser
        return result;

    std::string input_string = "1+22-333+4444-55555+666666 unknown string";

    auto begin = input_string.begin();
    auto parse_result = plus_minus_expression.parse( begin, input_string.end() );

    std::cout << "Input String : " << input_string << "\n";
    std::cout << "Parse Result : " << std::boolalpha << parse_result.is_valid() << "\n";
    std::cout << "Parsed Data : " << parse_result.get() << " = " << 1+22-333+4444-55555+666666 << "\n";

    std::cout << "Iterator 'begin' point at : " << std::string( begin, input_string.end() ) << "\n";


see 'examples/basic.cpp' for basic tutorial

Parser Objects

Every Parser Object have parse( begin&:iterator, end:iterator ) function that performs pattern-mathing scheme

for example, range( min_, max_ ) returns a Parser Object. It's parse() function will consume one iterator and returns whether a character is in range [min_, max_]

if the pattern doesn't match, iterator will not move

  auto one_small_alphabet = ep::range( 'a', 'z' );
  auto one_big_alphabet = ep::range( 'A', 'Z' );
  auto one_digit = ep::range( '0', '9' );

  std::string my_string = "abcdefg 123456";

  auto begin = my_string.begin();
    pattern matched, 'begin' will now point my_string[1]
  one_small_alphabet.parse( begin, my_string.end() );

    pattern doesn't match, 'begin' will not move
  one_big_alphabet.parse( begin, my_string.end() );

Attribute of Parser Objects

parse() function returns an parse_result_t<Attr> value which contains the result of pattern matching and the parsed data from input stream.

for example, range() Parser's ( and any other single-iterator-consuming Parser Objects ) Attr is char or decltype(*iterator) that returns the character it consumed directly.

  auto parse_result = one_small_alphabet.parse( begin, my_string.end() );
  std::cout << "Parse Result : " << std::boolalpha << parse_result.is_valid() << "\n";
  std::cout << "Parsed Character : " << parse_result.get() << "\n";
  // at this point, 'begin' points my_string[2]

eh::parser::unused_t is special class for Parser Object's Attribute. Any parser that does not extract data should use unusesd_t as its Attribute.

Special Parser Objects and its Attribute

There are several Parser Object Wrapper that takes other Parser Object and performs modified action on it.

or_( parser1, parser2, ... , parserN ) will test every N parsers until one of them is successfully matched. Attribute of or( p1, p2, ..., pn ) is Attribute of p1 if every parsers have same Attribute, else unused_t.

Parser1 Parser2 Merged
unused_t unused_t unused_t
unused_t T T
T unused_t T
T1 T2 unused_t

Table: Merged Attribute of or_ Parser

seq( parser1, parser2, ..., parserN ) will test every N parsers sequentially. Attribute of seq( p1, p2, ..., pn ) is tuple< Attribute of p1, Attribute of p2, ..., Attribute of pn >, unused_t will not be captured into tuple.

Parser1 Parser2 Merged
unused_t unused_t unused_t
unused_t T T
T unused_t T
T1 T2 tuple<T1,T2>
T1 tuple<Ts...> tuple<T1,Ts...>
tuple<Ts...> T2 tuple<Ts...,T2>

Table: Merged Attribute of seq Parser

repeat( parser, min_, max_ ) will test 'parser' X times where X is in range [min_,max_]. Attribute of repeat( p ) is vector< Attribute of p > if Attribute of p is not unused_t, else unused_t.

Child Parser Attribute of repeat
unused_t unused_t
T vector<T>

Table: New Attribute of repeat Parser

  auto one_alphabet_parser = ep::or_( one_small_alphabet, one_big_alphabet );

  // this is same as one_alphabet_parser
  auto one_alphabet_parser2 = one_small_alphabet | one_big_alphabet;

  auto one_alphabet_and_digit = ep::seq( one_alphabet_parser, one_digit );
  auto one_alphabet_and_digit2 = one_alphabet_parser >> one_digit;

  // [a-zA-Z]*
  auto alphabet_star = ep::repeat( one_alphabet_parser, 0, 9999999 );

  // [a-zA-Z]+
  auto alphabet_plus = ep::repeat( one_alphabet_parser, 1, 9999999 );

Action Wrapper

action( Parser, Functor ) is special parser wrapper. It performs same pattern-matching as its child parser, but call a functor() every pattern matching is successfully done.

functor() could take child parser's Attribute as its argument, and the returned value will be its new Attribute. If the child's Attribute is unused_t, the functor would not take any arguments. If the functor does not return any value( a void function ), the Attribute of Action Wrapper will be unused_t.

  auto action_parser = ep::action(
    []( int ch )
      std::cout << "Small Alphabet Parsing Successfully Done!\n";

      // now 'ch*2' is its new Attr
      return ch*2;
    } );

  // pattern matched, functor() will be called
  // and its Attr would be 'c'*2
  auto action_result = action_parser.parse( begin, my_string.end() );
  std::cout << "New Attr : " << action_result.get() << "\n";
Child Parser Argument must be captured as
unused_t functor()
T attr functor(attr)
tuple<Ts...> attrs functor( attrs... )

Table: Functor and its argument

Returned Type Attribute of action
void unused_t

Table: functor's returned value and its Attribute

There are more special Parser Wrapper for advaced Parser creation.

Virtual Parser

Since every Parser Object's implementation is based on template idoms, eg. CRTP or SFINAE, it can get benefit from compiler's smart optimization. But, because Parser Objects are being deep-copied and must be defined prior to its actual invoking, we can't make cyclic, or recursive patterns.

ep::rule<Attribute,Iterator> is virtual class based Parser Object that can be assigned as any parser objects.

auto compile_time_pattern1 = ep::range('a', 'z');
auto compile_time_pattern2 = ep::range('0', '9');

ep::rule<int,std::string::iterator> virtual_pattern, virtual_reference_pattern;
std::string str = "123123 abcabc";
auto begin = str.begin();

// this takes the reference of 'virtual_pattern'
virtual_reference_pattern = ep::ref( virtual_pattern );

// assign as small-alphabet parser
virtual_pattern = compile_time_pattern1;
// 'virtual_reference_pattern' will be assigned too

// match fail
virtual_pattern.parse( begin, str.end() );

// assign as digit parser
virtual_pattern = compile_time_pattern2;

// match success
virtual_pattern.parse( begin, str.end() );
virtual_reference_pattern.parse( begin, str.end() );

Simple Compiler


> cat examples/compiler/testsource.txt
  var1 = 20;
  // this is comment
  print var1 * 10 + 10;
  print 20;

  is also
  a comment

  print 30;
  print 40;

> ./compiler ../examples/compiler/testsource.txt
Start Tokenizing...
CPP Comment: // this is comment
C Comment: /*
  is also
  a comment
Tokenizing Result: false
func1: 1002
(: 40
): 41
{: 123
var1: 1002
=: 61
20: 1001
;: 59
print: 1004
var1: 1002
*: 42
10: 1001
+: 43
10: 1001
;: 59
return: 1013
;: 59
print: 1004
20: 1001
;: 59
}: 125
main: 1002
(: 40
): 41
{: 123
func1: 1002
(: 40
): 41
;: 59
func2: 1002
(: 40
): 41
;: 59
}: 125
func2: 1002
(: 40
): 41
{: 123
print: 1004
30: 1001
;: 59
return: 1013
;: 59
print: 1004
40: 1001
;: 59
}: 125
Tokenizing End...
Compiling Start...
Compiling End... : true
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Program Result ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~