
Library Management System written in Python, QtPy5 and MySQL

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Library Management System written in Python, QtPy5 and MySQL

The Library Management System will have the following listed features:

- Book Catalogue Management
- Book Categories Management
- Book Publishers Management
- Users Management
- Client Management
- Books transactions [Rent/Retreive] Management
- Data export in the forms of Excel sheets

Book Catalogue Management
	- Add new Book
	- Edit new Book
	- Delete new Book

Book Catagories Management
	- Add new Category
	- Delete new Category
	- Edit new Category

	- Search book, author, publisher, client and username
Users Managment
	- Ability to create, edit and remove user 

Book Transactions
	- Ability to rent and retreive back books

Book Author Management
	- Add new Author
	- Edit new Author
	- Delete new Author

Book Publisher Management
	- Add new Publisher
	- Edit new Publisher
	- Delete new Publisher