
Our officially supported Go client library for accessing News API.

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News Api client library for Go

News API is a simple HTTP REST API for searching and retrieving live articles from all over the web. It can help you answer questions like:

  • What top stories is the NY Times running right now?
  • What new articles were published about the next iPhone today?
  • Has my company or product been mentioned or reviewed by any blogs recently?

You can search for articles with any combination of the following criteria:

  • Keyword or phrase. Eg: find all articles containing the word 'Microsoft'.
  • Date published. Eg: find all articles published yesterday.
  • Source name. Eg: find all articles by 'TechCrunch'.
  • Source domain name. Eg: find all articles published on nytimes.com.
  • Language. Eg: find all articles written in English.

You can sort the results in the following orders:

  • Date published
  • Relevancy to search keyword
  • Popularity of source

You need an API key to use the API - this is a unique key that identifies your requests. They're free for development, open-source, and non-commercial use. You can get one here: https://newsapi.org.


The News API client library is available on GitHub, just need to run the following command:

go get https://github.com/ei09010/News-API-go

Usage example

package main

import (

// Example request
var newsClient = client.NewClient("https://newsapi.org", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

func main(){

	topHeadlineRequest := models.TopHeadlinesRequest{
		Category: constants.Business,
		Country:  constants.US,
		Language: "EN",

	response, err := newsClient.GetTopHeadlines(topHeadlineRequest)

	if err != nil{

	fmt.Println("we had the following result amount: ", response.TotalResults)

	for _, article := range response.Articles{






